如何在C项目中链接C ++库

时间:2019-03-04 22:14:52

标签: c++ c

c项目由许多类和文件组成。 C ++库被编译为“ .a”文件。当我将.a文件作为库添加到C项目的MakeFile中时,它显示出许多类似undefined reference to '__gxx_personality_v0'的错误,可能与C和C ++之间的差异有关。

我正在使用gcc编译C项目。但是我在C项目中调用的任何函数在C ++库的头文件中都声明为extern C


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您必须使用C ++链接程序,或将<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="quiz" content="myown quiz"> <title>Quiz</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="machine.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="quizformatting.css"> <h1>Choose the major right for you</h1> <pre> <form> Do you like enjoy programming? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="program">Yes</option> <option class="no">No</option> </select> Do you enjoy 2d animation and 3d animation? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="art">Yes</option> <option class="no">no</option> </select> Do you like music <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option>Yes</option> <option class="no">no</option> </select> What are your favorite pastimes? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="music">Listening to music</option> <option>making websites</option> <option class="art">Drawing</option> <option class="no">None of these</option> </select> Out of all the activities you like to do, which one do you enjoy the most? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="art">Painting and drawing</option> <option class="music">Playing instruments</option> <option class="art">Drawing</option> <option class="no">None of these</option> </select> Would you be interested in making art or coding for video games? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="program">I would be interested in learning the programming languages used to create the scripting for games</option> <option class="art">I would like to the models and the environment for modeling</option> <option class="no">I'm not interested in either of these options</option> </select> Do you enjoy making websites or learning how to sing? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="music">Learning how to sing</option> <option class="program">making websites for projects</option> <option class="no">I'm not interested in any of this</option> </select> Do you enjoy listening to music more or making programming applications? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="music">I would like to listen to music</option> <option class="program">Programming is my thing</option> <option class="art">I'm more of a drawer</option> <option class="no">I don't like any of these options</option> </select> Which skillset are you more interested in learning? <select> <option class="choice">Select a value</option> <option class="music">Learning the notes of instruments</option> <option class="program">Learning the language of javascript</option> <option class="art">I like anime, so I would love to learn how to animate in anime style</option> <option class="no">I don't want to do any of these options</option> </select> Please press the button to get your answer <button onclick="Starting(event);">Click me</button> </form> </pre> </body> </html> Here is my javascript file:用作链接驱动程序而不是g++

问题在于基本链接器不会针对C ++运行时库进行链接(对于Fortran静态库也是如此)。用于编译器的C ++驱动程序将为您添加这些标志。