颜色A | B列
13453 |地方1
13099 |地方2
125515 |地方3
12357 |地方4
121671 |第五名
CA13453 / 130
CA13099 / 33
CA125515 / 75
CA12357 / 1
CA121671 / 54
颜色A |进口单上的B列
CA13453 / 130 |地方1
CA13099 / 33 |地方2
CA125515 / 75 |地方3
CA12357 / 1 |地方4
CA121671 / 54 |第五名
答案 0 :(得分:0)
首先,宏用于处理“导入”表中的每一行。可以通过按alt + f8或在执行宏的工作簿中添加命令按钮来调用。
Sub GetLocationNames()
LocationShtNm = "Locations" ' <---- Name of the sheet that has the location data
ImportShtNm = "Import" ' <---- Name of the sheet that has the payment data
LocationStartRow = 2 ' <----- Change to the row that has the first row of location data in the Locations sheet
ImportStartRow = 2 ' <----- Change to the row that has the first row of payment data in the Imported data sheet
LocationKeyCol = 1 ' <----- Change to column that has the location names in the locations sheet
LocationNamesCol = 2 ' <----- Change to column that has the location names in the locations sheet
ImportKeyCol = 1 ' <----- Change to the column that has the payment number in the import sheet
ImportLocCol = 2 ' <----- Change to the column that has the location in the import sheet
Set LocationSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(LocationShtNm)
Set ImportSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ImportShtNm)
'* Get the range for the traveller data
LocationLastRow = LocationSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
ImportLastRow = ImportSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
' Loop through the import data one row at a time
For i = ImportStartRow To ImportLastRow
LocationKey = Mid(ImportSheet.Cells(i, ImportKeyCol), 3)
SlashLoc = InStr(LocationKey, "/")
LocationKey = Left(LocationKey, SlashLoc - 1)
' Loop through the location data and find the location
FoundLoc = False
For j = LocationStartRow To LocationLastRow
If Trim(LocationSheet.Cells(j, LocationKeyCol)) = LocationKey Then
FoundLoc = True
CurrLocation = LocationSheet.Cells(j, LocationNamesCol).Value
Exit For
End If
Next j
If FoundLoc = True Then
ImportSheet.Cells(i, ImportLocCol) = CurrLocation
ImportSheet.Cells(i, ImportLocCol) = "Not Found"
End If
Next i
End Sub
=GetLocationName(A2) ' Where A2 would have a payment reference number
Function GetLocationName(CellIn)
LocationShtNm = "Locations" ' <---- Name of the sheet that has the location data
ImportShtNm = "Import" ' <---- Name of the sheet that has the payment data
LocationStartRow = 2 ' <----- Change to the row that has the first row of location data in the Locations sheet
ImportStartRow = 2 ' <----- Change to the row that has the first row of payment data in the Imported data sheet
LocationKeyCol = 1 ' <----- Change to column that has the location names in the locations sheet
LocationNamesCol = 2 ' <----- Change to column that has the location names in the locations sheet
ImportKeyCol = 1 ' <----- Change to the column that has the payment number in the import sheet
ImportLocCol = 2 ' <----- Change to the column that has the location in the import sheet
Set LocationSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(LocationShtNm)
Set ImportSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ImportShtNm)
'* Get the range for the traveller data
LocationLastRow = LocationSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
ImportLastRow = ImportSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
LocationKey = Mid(CellIn.Value, 3)
SlashLoc = InStr(LocationKey, "/")
LocationKey = Left(LocationKey, SlashLoc - 1)
' Loop through the location data and find the location
FoundLoc = False
For j = LocationStartRow To LocationLastRow
If Trim(LocationSheet.Cells(j, LocationKeyCol)) = LocationKey Then
FoundLoc = True
CurrLocation = LocationSheet.Cells(j, LocationNamesCol).Value
Exit For
End If
Next j
If FoundLoc = True Then
GetLocationName = CurrLocation
GetLocationName = "Not Found"
End If
End Function