
时间:2019-03-03 18:52:24

标签: chess




有效国王移动,如果棋子从(X1,Y1)移至(X2,Y2),则   仅当| X2-X1 | <= 1并且| Y2-Y1 | <= 1时,移动才有效。


有效的Bishop动作,如果棋子从(X1,Y1)移至(X2,Y2),则   当且仅当| X2-X1 | = | Y2-Y1 |。


有效的胡克车移动,如果棋子从(X1,Y1)移动到(X2,Y2),则   仅当X2 = X1或Y2 = Y1时,移动才有效。


有效的皇后举动,如果皇后的举动有效,则为有效   主教或白手起家。


有效骑士移动,如果棋子从(X1,Y1)移至(X2,Y2),则   仅当(| X2-X1 | = 1并且| Y2-Y1 | = 2)或(| X2-X1 | = 2   和| Y2-Y1 | = 1)。


有效的Pawn移动,如果棋子从(X1,Y1)移动到(X2,Y2),则   仅当X2 = X1并且Y2-Y1 = 1时,移动才有效(仅对于白色   典当)。


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您需要为此考虑板状态。 我认为,执行此操作的常用方法是检查路径上的每个单元格是否为空。

    public enum PieceColor { Black, White }
    public interface IBoard
        bool IsEmpty(int x, int y);
        PieceColor GetPieceColor(int x, int y);

    IBoard board;

    bool BishopCanMove(PieceColor bishopColor, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY)
        int pathLength = Mathf.Abs(toX - fromX);
        if (pathLength != Mathf.Abs(toY - fromY)) return false; // Not diagonal
        // Also validate if the coordinates are in the 0-7 range

        // Check all cells before the target
        for (int i = 1; i < pathLength; i++)
            int x = fromX + i;
            int y = fromY + i;

            if(board.IsEmpty(x, y)) continue; // No obstacles here: keep going
            else return false; // Obstacle found before reaching target: the move is invalid

        // Check target cell
        if (board.IsEmpty(toX, toY)) return true; // No piece: move is valid

        // There's a piece here: the move is valid only if we can capture
        return board.GetPieceColor(toX, toY) == bishopColor;
