
时间:2019-03-03 13:31:26

标签: python-2.7 tfidfvectorizer


以下用于计算IDF的公式工作正常,  日志(文档总数+ 1 /出现的术语数+ 1)+ 1

EG:文档1中“ This”一词的IDF值(“ this is a string”为1.91629073



EG:文档1中“ This”一词的TFIDF值(“ this is a string”)为0.61366674


from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import pandas as pd

d = pd.Series(['This is a string','This is another string',
               'TFIDF Computation Calculation','TFIDF is the product of TF and IDF'])

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()

tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df[0])

print (tfidf_vectorizer.idf_)

#[1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.22314355 1.91629073 
#1.91629073 1.51082562 1.91629073 1.51082562 1.91629073 1.51082562]


##how the above values are getting transformed here 


print (tfidf.toarray())

#[[0.         0.         0.         0.         0.         0.49681612  0.         
#0.         0.61366674 0.         0.         0.     0.61366674]
# [0.         0.61422608 0.         0.         0.         0.39205255
#  0.         0.         0.4842629  0.         0.         0.  0.4842629 ]
# [0.         0.         0.61761437 0.61761437 0.         0.
#  0.         0.         0.         0.         0.48693426 0.  0.        ]
# [0.37718389 0.         0.         0.         0.37718389 0.24075159
#  0.37718389 0.37718389 0.         0.37718389 0.29737611 0.37718389  0.        ]]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是标准的TF-IDF向量,因为根据documentation,默认情况下为norm='l2'。因此,在tfidf.toarray()的输出中,级别0的每个元素/数组的行代表一个文档,级别1 /列的每个元素代表一个唯一的单词,每个文档的矢量元素的平方和等于1 ,您可以通过打印print([sum([word ** 2 for word in doc]) for doc in tfidf.toarray()])进行检查。


范数:“ l1”,“ l2”或无,可选(默认值=“ l2”)   每个输出行将具有单位范数,或者:*'l2':矢量元素的平方和为1。两个之间的余弦相似度   向量是应用l2范数时的点积。 *‘l1’:   向量元素的绝对值之和为1。请参阅   preprocessing.normalize

print(tfidf) #the same values you find in tfidf.toarray() but more readable
output: ([index of document on array lvl 0 / row], [index of unique word on array lvl 1 / column]) normed TF-IDF value
(0, 12) 0.6136667440107333  #1st word in 1st sentence: 'This'
(0, 5)  0.4968161174826459  #'is'
(0, 8)  0.6136667440107333  #'string', see that word 'a' is missing
(1, 12) 0.48426290003607125 #'This'
(1, 5)  0.3920525532545391  #'is'
(1, 8)  0.48426290003607125 #'string'
(1, 1)  0.6142260844216119  #'another'
(2, 10) 0.48693426407352264 #'TFIDF'
(2, 3)  0.6176143709756019  #'Computation'
(2, 2)  0.6176143709756019  #'Calculation'
(3, 5)  0.2407515909314943  #'is'
(3, 10) 0.2973761110467491  #'TFIDF'
(3, 11) 0.37718388973255157 #'the'
(3, 7)  0.37718388973255157 #'product'
(3, 6)  0.37718388973255157 #'of'
(3, 9)  0.37718388973255157 #'TF'
(3, 0)  0.37718388973255157 #'and'
(3, 4)  0.37718388973255157 #'IDF'

因为它是标准的TF-IDF值,所以矢量元素的平方和将等于1。对于索引为0的第一个文档,矢量元素的平方和将等于1:sum([0.6136667440107333 ** 2, 0.4968161174826459 ** 2, 0.6136667440107333 ** 2])


print(TfidfVectorizer(norm=None).fit_transform(df[0])) #the same values you find in TfidfVectorizer(norm=None).fit_transform(df[0]).toarray(), but more readable
output: ([index of document on array lvl 0 / row], [index of unique word on array lvl 1 / column]) TF-IDF value
(0, 12) 1.5108256237659907 #1st word in 1st sentence: 'This'
(0, 5)  1.2231435513142097 #'is'
(0, 8)  1.5108256237659907 #'string', see that word 'a' is missing
(1, 12) 1.5108256237659907 #'This'
(1, 5)  1.2231435513142097 #'is'
(1, 8)  1.5108256237659907 #'string'
(1, 1)  1.916290731874155  #'another'
(2, 10) 1.5108256237659907 #'TFIDF'
(2, 3)  1.916290731874155  #'Computation'
(2, 2)  1.916290731874155  #'Calculation'
(3, 5)  1.2231435513142097 #'is'
(3, 10) 1.5108256237659907 #'TFIDF'
(3, 11) 1.916290731874155  #'the'
(3, 7)  1.916290731874155  #'product'
(3, 6)  1.916290731874155  #'of'
(3, 9)  1.916290731874155  #'TF'
(3, 0)  1.916290731874155  #'and'
(3, 4)  1.916290731874155  #'IDF'


tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(norm=None)
tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df[0])
output: Smoothed IDF-values
[1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.22314355
 1.91629073 1.91629073 1.51082562 1.91629073 1.51082562 1.91629073




两个向量之间的余弦相似度是l2时的点积   规范已应用。


tfidf_norm_calculated = [
    [(word/sum(doc))**0.5 for word in doc]
    for doc in TfidfVectorizer(norm=None).fit_transform(df[0]).toarray()]
print('Sum of squares of vector elements is 1: ', [sum([word**2 for word in doc]) for doc in tfidf_norm_calculated])
print('Compare to:', TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform(df[0]).toarray())