W_A11, 2008-02, Moving average, 59.66666667, 50.92582302, 68.40751031, Injuries, Number, Assault, Validated, Whole pop, All ages, Fatal,
W_A11, 2010-03, Moving average, 60, 51.23477459, 68.76522541, Injuries, Number, Assault, Validated, Whole pop, All ages, Fatal,
W_A11, 2017-04, Moving average, 59, 50.30812505, 67.69187495, Injuries, Number, Assault, Validated, Whole pop, All ages, Fatal
qdate = int(input("please enter 2000, 2010, or 2017"))
infile = open('injury_statistics.txt', "r")
outfilename = input("please enter the name of the file to which you want to
append ex) injury_statistics_datafile.txt ")
outfile = open(outfilename, "a")
stripped_character = input("please enter any character you want stripped
from the data ")
delimiter = input("please enter the delimiter for the file ")
# print(type(stripped_character))
# print(type(delimiter))
# the above two lines prove that stripped_character and delimiter are
# strings
for line in infile:
linefromfile = line.strip(stripped_character).split(delimiter)
tuple1 = tuple(linefromfile)
if int(tuple1[1][:4]) == qdate:
Strip和split都使用字符串ex)split('\ t'),但是由于某些原因,由我的变量“ stripped_character”和“ delimiter”存储的字符串不能正常工作(我认为它们返回的是空字段)。如果我手动输入一些值,则此代码可以正常运行,例如)fromfromfile = line.strip('\ n')。split('\ t')。
回溯错误如下所示: 追溯(最近一次通话): 文件“ C:/ Users / Hezekiah / PycharmProjects / Great Courses Python / testing.py”, 第14行 如果int(tuple1 [1] [:4])== qdate: IndexError:元组索引超出范围