A Python interface to the Eventful API.
__author__ = "Edward O'Connor <ted@eventful.com>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2005, 2006 Eventful Inc."
__license__ = "MIT"
import urllib
import httplib2
import simplejson
__all__ = ['APIError', 'API']
class APIError(Exception):
class API:
def __init__(self, app_key, server='api.eventful.com', cache=None):
"""Create a new Eventful API client instance.
If you don't have an application key, you can request one:
self.app_key = app_key
self.server = server
self.http = httplib2.Http(cache)
def call(self, method, **args):
"Call the Eventful API's METHOD with ARGS."
# Build up the request
args['app_key'] = self.app_key
args['page_size'] = 100
args['page_number'] = 1
if hasattr(self, 'user_key'):
args['user'] = self.user
args['user_key'] = self.user_key
args = urllib.parse.urlencode(args)
url = "http://%s/json/%s?%s" % (self.server, method, args)
# Make the request
response, content = self.http.request(url, "GET")
# Handle the response
status = int(response['status'])
if status == 200:
return simplejson.loads(content)
except ValueError:
raise APIError("Unable to parse API response!")
elif status == 404:
raise APIError("Method not found: %s" % method)
raise APIError("Non-200 HTTP response status: %s" % response['status'])
如何浏览所有页码?当前,页码是在事件文件中通过args ['page_number'] = 1定义的,我想遍历所有页码吗?是否可以通过循环循环访问页码,直到page_number为false为止?
import eventful
api = eventful.API('KEY_HERE')
events = api.call('/events/search', q='', l='New York', c='music', t='This Week')
for event in events['events']['event']: