
时间:2019-03-01 10:25:10

标签: excel vba

我想访问工作表中的所有ActiveX CheckBox和OptionButton。我尝试为此创建一个循环,但是我的循环无法获取所有这些循环。




'ws is my worksheet

Dim obj As OLEObject

For Each obj In ws.OLEObjects
  Debug.Print obj.Name
Next obj
End If

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您可以检查形状的Type = msoOLEControlObject(12),以便仅列出OLEObjects。组的类型为msoGroup(6),并且具有一个集合GroupItems,该集合包含该组中的所有形状。



Sub ListAllObjects()
    Dim ListOfOptions as Dictionary
    Set ListOfOptions = New Dictionary

    ListObjects ActiveSheet.Shapes, ListOfOptions
End Sub

Sub ListObjects(objArr, ListOfOptions)
    Dim sh As Shape
    For Each sh In objArr
        If sh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
            ' Debug.Print sh.Name; sh.Type; TypeName(sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object)
            ' Found OptionButton or CheckBox: Add it to Dictionary.
            If TypeName(sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object) = "OptionButton" Or TypeName(sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object) = "CheckBox" Then
                ListOfOptions.Add sh.Name, sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object.Value
            End If
        End If

        If sh.Type = msoGroup Then
            ListObjects sh.GroupItems, ListOfOptions
        End If
    Next sh
End Sub


Dim sh As Shape
For Each sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes
    If sh.Type = msoGroup Then sh.Ungroup
Next sh

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()
    Dim colOleObjects As Collection: Set colOleObjects = CollectOleObjectsOnWorksheet(ActiveSheet)
    Dim colCheckboxesAndOptionboxes As Collection: Set colCheckboxesAndOptionboxes = FilterOleObjectsByType(colOleObjects, Array("Forms.CheckBox.1", "Forms.OptionButton.1"))
    Dim varItem As Variant: For Each varItem In colCheckboxesAndOptionboxes
        Dim shpItem As Shape: Set shpItem = varItem
        Debug.Print shpItem.Name
    Next varItem
End Sub

Public Function FilterOleObjectsByType(colSource As Collection, varTypes As Variant) As Collection
    Dim colDestination As Collection: Set colDestination = New Collection
    Dim varElement As Variant: For Each varElement In colSource
        Dim shpElement As Shape: Set shpElement = varElement
        Dim i As Long: For i = LBound(varTypes) To UBound(varTypes)
            If shpElement.OLEFormat.progID = varTypes(i) Then
                colDestination.Add shpElement
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    Next varElement
    Set FilterOleObjectsByType = colDestination
End Function

Public Function CollectOleObjectsOnWorksheet(ewsTarget As Worksheet) As Collection
    Dim colResult As Collection: Set colResult = New Collection
    Dim varChild As Variant: For Each varChild In ewsTarget.Shapes
        Dim shpChild As Shape: Set shpChild = varChild
        Dim colChild As Collection: Set colChild = CollectOleObjectsOfShape(shpChild)
        CollectionAddElements colResult, colChild
    Next varChild
    Set CollectOleObjectsOnWorksheet = colResult
End Function

Public Function CollectOleObjectsOfShape(shpTarget As Shape) As Collection
    Dim colResult As Collection: Set colResult = New Collection
    Select Case shpTarget.Type
    Case MsoShapeType.msoEmbeddedOLEObject, MsoShapeType.msoOLEControlObject
        colResult.Add shpTarget
    Case MsoShapeType.msoGroup
        Dim varChild As Variant: For Each varChild In shpTarget.GroupItems
            Dim shpChild As Shape: Set shpChild = varChild
            Dim colChild As Collection: Set colChild = CollectOleObjectsOfShape(shpChild)
            CollectionAddElements colResult, colChild
        Next varChild
    End Select
    Set CollectOleObjectsOfShape = colResult
End Function

Public Sub CollectionAddElements(colTarget As Collection, colSource As Collection)
    Dim varElement As Variant: For Each varElement In colSource
        colTarget.Add varElement
    Next varElement
End Sub

基本上,CollectOleObjectsOnWorksheet返回工作表上所有OleObject的集合,该集合作为一个参数建立,该参数基于递归枚举CollectOleObjectsOfShape提供的OleObject的功能。 CollectionAddElements只是一个帮助函数,用于创建两个Collections的并集。在我的代码中,Example检索ActiveSheet上的OleObjects集合,通过调用FilterOleObjectsByType对其进行筛选,使其仅包含CheckBoxes和OptionBoxes,然后打印每个名称。但是,一旦有了这个集合,就可以使用它进行任何操作。




我不建议对形状进行分组和取消分组,因为您可以使用我的代码访问这些对象,而无需修改原始文档。但是,如果需要这样做,可以调用Shape的.Ungroup方法来取消分组,也可以调用ShapeRange的.Group方法。后者比较棘手,因为您必须在Worksheet.Shapes.Range(Array("ShapeName1", "ShapeName2"))Shape.GroupItems.Range(Array("ShapeName1", "ShapeName2"))返回的对象上调用它。