我在一个网站上工作,该网站的顶部菜单链接应该处于活动状态,而子菜单链接应与文章的类别相匹配,例如Upplev ochbesök> boende> huspålandet。因此,以下内容应显示在 活跃状态Upplev ochbesök和Boende。我已经做到了,但是我使用了为每个类别设置固定地址的变量。
例如当用户在产品页面上时,否则检查地址是否为(window.location.href.indexOf(archiveNewsAddress)> -1)设置背景色,然后在第一个顶部菜单链接上悬停,然后在$(“ nav div div a:eq(0)“)。 addClass(“ black-text-white-bg”);在较低的链接上。当转到下一篇文章类别(例如Evenemang)时,应激活Upplev ochbesök和$(“。nav div div a:eq(1)”)。 addClass(“ black-text-white-bg”)。
我想知道是否有任何方法可以避免 使用固定地址变量并找到另一种解决方案?希望你理解我在寻找什么:)
已经使用开关盒进行了一些测试,但是觉得我仍然必须在代码中放入固定地址。 我宁愿避免。
/* 2019 Vetlanda kommun */
$(document).ready(function() {
/*-------------------Address variables--------------------------*/
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/*Address for searchresult*/
var ovrigtAdress = "";
ovrigtAdress = "https://vetlanda.se/ovrigt/";
/*Address for contact page*/
var kontaktAdress = "";
kontaktAdress = "https://vetlanda.se /kontaktaoss.4.a225ea0163f45910d2705f.html";
/*Article archive start*/
var arkivBoende = "";
arkivBoende = "https://vetlanda.se/artikelarkiv/boende/";
var arkivEvenemang = "";
arkivBoende = "https://vetlanda.se/artikelarkiv/evenemang/";
var arkivMatOchDryck = "";
arkivMatOchDryck = "https://vetlanda.se/artikelarkiv/matochdryck/";
var arkivShopping = "";
arkivShopping = "https://vetlanda.se/artikelarkiv/shopping/";
var arkivUpplev = "";
arkivUpplev = "https://vetlanda.se/artikelarkiv/upplev/";
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/*Hover, toggle and focus out function for first and contact page*/
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/*Hover and active function on the menu for archive boende*/
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/*Hover and active function on the menu for evenemang*/
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/*Hover and active function on the menu for mat och dryck*/
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/*Hover and active function on the menu for arkiv shopping*/
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/*Hover and active function on the menu for arkiv upplev*/
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$(".nav div div a:eq(5)").addClass("svart-text-vit-bg");
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$(this).hover(function() {
return false;
/*Hover function for all the links*/
function linkHover() {
$(".nav div").hover(function() {
}, function() {
/*Togglebutton function for showing the submenu*/
function toggleButton() {
$("button").click(function() {
$(this).closest(".nav div").toggleClass("hover");
/*Focusout function for hiding the submenu after you tab out on the last link in the submenu*/
function focusOut() {
$("div.sub div.child:last-child").focusout(function() {
$(".nav div").removeClass("hover");
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/*Mouseover function to hide active submenu*/
$(".nav div").mouseover(function() {
$(".nav div.hover").toggleClass("hover");
$(this).closest(".nav div").addClass("hover");
/Mouseout function to show the active submenu ater the user has his/her mousepointer over another toplink and then takes the mousepointer away from there*/
$(".nav div").mouseout(function() {
$(this).closest(".nav div").toggleClass("hover");
$(".nav div.active").addClass("hover");
/*Function to mark the first topmenu link and add active hover class to it*/
function artikelTopActive() {
$(".nav div:first").addClass("active hover").css("background", "#d2d2d2");
/*Function to execute the following functions
function artikelFunktioner() {
/*Function to execute the following functions
function startkontaktFunktioner() {