void shiftImage(Picture * pic, int shift) {
int baseIndex = 0;
int width = pic->width;
//make shift as small as possible while maintaining the effect by moduloing the shift. Ensure shift is positive during modulo:
if(shift < 0) {
shift *= -1;
shift = shift % width;
shift *= -1;
} else {
shift = shift % width;
for(int height = 0; height < pic->height; height++) {
int index = baseIndex;
Pixel nextPixelToShift;
Pixel pixelGettingShifted = pic->pix_array[height][baseIndex];
//shift every pixel in the row by shift amount
do {
index = index + shift;
//if index < 0, then wrap to end of array and move back proper num of cols. Otherwise, wrap back to the beginning using mod.
if(index < 0) {
index = width + index;
} else {
index = index % width;
nextPixelToShift = pic->pix_array[height][index];
pic->pix_array[height][index] = pixelGettingShifted;
pixelGettingShifted = nextPixelToShift;
} while (index != baseIndex);