<input id = "username" oninput = "inputFunction(this.id)" class = "inputField" type = "text" placeholder = "Username:" name = "username" minlength = "8" required><p id = "usernameAlreadyTaken"></p>
<input id = "psw" oninput = "inputFirstPassword(this.id)" type = "password" class = "inputField" placeholder = "Password:" name = "psw" pattern="(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}" title="Must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, and at least 8 or more characters" required>
<input id = "psw2" oninput = "inputSecondPassword(this.id)" type = "password" class = "inputField" placeholder = "Retype Password:" name = "psw"><p id = "check"></p>
<input id = "fullname" oninput = "inputFunction(this.id)" type class = "inputField" = "text" placeholder = "Full Name:" name = "fullname" required>
<input id = "email" oninput = "inputFunction(this.id)" type class = "inputField" = "email" placeholder = "Email Address:" name = "email" required>
<input onclick = "registrationSendFunction()" id = "formRegisterSubmit" type = "button" value = "Create Account" class = "registerSendButton">