
时间:2019-02-28 16:17:19

标签: lotusscript lotus lotus-formula

关闭对话框时(使用基本@Commands使用保存并关闭或仅使用关闭按钮),而不是仅关闭对话框即可清除屏幕上的基础窗体,并像打开窗体一样打开对话框。 br /> 如果我关闭该窗口,将重新出现原始的基础窗体,这是我希望在不出现中间对话框窗体的情况下发生的情况。

这是因为我正在使用对@Command([FileSave]); @Command([FileCloseWindow])的@Function调用,还是缺少其他内容? 表单上是否有我未设置的标志,或者对话框上的操作是否需要用LotusScript编写,并且它们必须以某种方式重新调用表单?


Sub Queryopendocument(Source As Notesuiview, Continue As Variant)
    Call OpenDocInDialogBox( Source, True, 1, "frmOrganization", "Organization") 
End Sub


Function OpenDocInDialogBox( Source As NotesUIView, Continue As Variant, WhatIfNonEmbed As Integer, Form_Name As String, Dlg_Title As string) As Integer

    Dim DocColl As NotesDocumentCollection
    Dim Doc As NotesDocument
    Dim flag As Integer
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim temp As Variant

    Continue = False
    flag = False

    Set DocColl = Source.Documents 
    Set Doc = DocColl.GetFirstDocument

    doc.IsDialogBox = "Yes"

    If Not ws.CurrentDocument Is Nothing Then 'Checks if it is an embedded view  
        If ws.CurrentDocument.EditMode Then   
            flag = ws.DialogBox( FORM_NAME, True, True, True  , False, False , False , DLG_TITLE, Doc , True, True )
            flag = ws.DialogBox( FORM_NAME, True, True, True  , False, False , True , DLG_TITLE, Doc , True, True )   
        End If  
    Else  'open from an action button
        Select Case WhatIfNonEmbed   
        Case 0   
            MsgBox "Sorry.. You cannot open documents From the current view.", 0 + 16, "Warning"   
        Case 1              
            flag = ws.DialogBox( FORM_NAME, True, True, True, False, False , False, DLG_TITLE, Doc , True, True )   
        Case 2   
            doc.IsDialogBox = "No"
            Continue = True    
    End Select  
    End If

    OpenDocInDialogBox = flag

End Function


WhatIfNonEmbed tells how to open the document If gets opened From a non-embedded view.
WhatIfNonEmbed=0 ---- Dont Allow users To Open (meaning, doc can be only opened from the form In which it is embedded)
WhatIfNonEmbed=1 ---- Open In Dialog box.
WhatIfNonEmbed=2 ---- Normal Open using the form.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


QueryOpenDocument事件具有一个“ Continue”-变量,该变量告诉它是应该“真正”打开文档(Continue = True)还是禁止文档(Continue = False)。


  • 它在QueryOpenDocument-事件期间显示对话框,并暂停该事件,直到关闭对话框。
  • 它不会将continue-变量设置为“ False”:因此,在关闭对话框后,将启动“ normal”过程:您的文档将以新窗口的形式正常打开。


    就像umeli所说的那样:使用变量“ Continue”作为参数而不是“ True”:因为如果在对话框中显示对话框,则将其设置为“ false”(如果参数如此,则设置为true)。该函数和变量在默认情况下是通过引用传递的,底层的Continue-变量将被更改,而QueryOpenDocument-进程将被停止。
    Call OpenDocInDialogBox( Source, Continue, 1, "frmOrganization", "Organization")
  1. 设置Continue =在QueryOpenDocument事件中为False。效果相同,但是完整的WhatIfNonEmbed = 2-代码路径不再执行任何操作。