
时间:2019-02-27 15:43:01

标签: sql vba ms-access



Select语句包含一个保留字或一个自变量名   拼写错误,丢失或标点不正确。



strMakePaTablesSQL = "SELECT [all vendor Rebates].[Key_Code_Name] as [Supplier Name], [all vendor Rebates].[Vendor_Name], " _
                   & "       [all vendor Rebates].[Contract_ID], [all vendor Rebates].[EXP_DATE], " _
                   & "       [all vendor Rebates].[Contract_Status], [all vendor Rebates].[Price Book Priority] as [High Priority Customer], " _
                   & "       [all vendor Rebates].[GPO Or biosite] as [GPO Indicator],  " _
                   & "       [all vendor Rebates].[LTM_Rebate_Dollars] as [LTM Rebate Dollars] " _
                   & " into [" & strTableName & "] From [all vendor Rebates] " _
                   & " Where [Vendor_Name] = '" & strSupplier & "'"

dbPa.Execute strMakePaTablesSQL


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim dbXL As DAO.Database
Dim strDate As String
Dim strGenl As String
Dim strTableName As String
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim strGroupPASQL As String
Dim strMakePaTablesSQL As String
Dim StrPaID As String
Dim strGenl2 As String
Dim strSupplier As String
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Public Function MakeTableVN()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Dim dbPa As DAO.Database
Dim rstIePa As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngTotRecCount As Long
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim strADR_Name As String
Dim VN_Length As Double

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCreate_Local_Supplier_Contact_table"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAdd_New_Vendors_to_tblSupplierContact"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdate_Supplier_Contact_List"

Set dbPa = CurrentDb

strGroupPASQL = "SELECT [all vendor rebates].Vendor_Name FROM [all vendor rebates] GROUP BY [all vendor rebates].Vendor_Name "

Set rstIePa = dbPa.OpenRecordset(strGroupPASQL, dbOpenDynaset)
With rstIePa
    If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
        lngTotRecCount = .RecordCount

        Do While Not .EOF

            strSupplier = .Fields("Vendor_Name") & ""

            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, ".", " ")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, ":", " ")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, "=", " ")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, "/", " ")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, "\", " ")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, "'", "")
            strSupplier = Replace(strSupplier, "*", " ")

            strTableName = strSupplier

            For Each tdf In dbPa.TableDefs
                If tdf.Name = strTableName Then
                    dbPa.TableDefs.Delete tdf.Name
                End If

           strMakePaTablesSQL = "SELECT [all vendor Rebates].[Key_Code_Name] as [Supplier Name], [all vendor Rebates].[Vendor_Name], " _
                                  & "[all vendor Rebates].[Contract_ID], [all vendor Rebates].[EXP_DATE], [all vendor Rebates].[Contract_Status], [all vendor Rebates].[Price Book Priority] as [High Priority Customer], [all vendor Rebates].[GPO Or biosite] as [GPO Indicator], [all vendor Rebates].[LTM_Rebate_Dollars] as [LTM Rebate Dollars] into [" & strTableName & "] From [all vendor Rebates] Where [Vendor_Name] = '" & strSupplier & "'"

            dbPa.Execute strMakePaTablesSQL

           Debug.Print "C:\Testing\Expiring rebates\Vendor_Files\" & strSupplier & ".xls"
            DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, strTableName, "C:\Testing\Expiring rebates\Vendor_Files\" & strSupplier & ".xls", True

            DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, strTableName

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

但是,再次经典的是需要使用参数化,这是在应用程序层(这里是VBA)上运行SQL时的行业最佳实践,但是概念可以转移到大多数其他语言。具体来说,在您的制作表过程中考虑使用MS Access' QueryDefs,该过程无需使用其他定制名称,并在WHERE子句中参数化该值。


SQL (另存为查询对象:mySavedParamQuery)

PARAMETERS子句仅在Access SQL语言中兼容。

PARAMETERS paramSupplier TEXT(255);
SELECT v.[Key_Code_Name] as [Supplier Name], v.[Vendor_Name],
       v.[Contract_ID], v.[EXP_DATE],
       v.[Contract_Status], v.[Price Book Priority] as [High Priority Customer],
       v.[GPO Or biosite] as [GPO Indicator], 
       v.[LTM_Rebate_Dollars] as [LTM Rebate Dollars]
INTO tmpVendorTable
FROM [all vendor Rebates] v
WHERE v.[Vendor_Name] = paramSupplier;

SQL (另存为查询对象:mySavedAggregateQuery)

SELECT v.Vendor_Name
FROM [all vendor rebates] v
GROUP BY v,Vendor_Name

VBA (不显示SQL)

Dim qdef As QueryDef
Dim strFile As String           

Set rstIePa = dbPa.OpenRecordset("mySavedAggregateQuery", dbOpenDynaset)
With rstIePa
    If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
        lngTotRecCount = .RecordCount

        Do While Not .EOF    
          strSupplier = .Fields("Vendor_Name")
          strFile = "C:\Testing\Expiring rebates\Vendor_Files\" & strSupplier & ".xls"

          For Each tdf In dbPa.TableDefs
             If tdf.Name = "tmpVendorTable" Then
                 dbPa.TableDefs.Delete tdf.Name
             End If
          Next tdf   

          Set qdef = dbPa.QueryDefs("mySavedParamQuery")   ' INITIALIZE QUERYDEF
          qdef!paramSupplier = strSupplier                 ' BIND PARAMETER
          qdef.Execute dbFailOnError                       ' EXECUTE ACTION  

          Debug.Print strFile
          DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
                                    "tmpVendorTable", strFile, True    
    End If
End With