Id Status Date
A Log in 01.01.2018 01:44:03
A Log out 01.01.2018 02:57:03
C Log in 01.01.2018 01:55:03
ser Log in 01.01.2018 01:59:55
ser Log out 03.01.2018 01:59:55
M Log in 04.01.2018 01:59:55
Id Status Date
A Log in 01.01.2018 01:44:03
A Log out 01.01.2018 02:57:03
C Log in 01.01.2018 01:59:03
C Log out 01.01.2018 23:59:59
ser Log in 01.01.2018 01:59:55
ser Log out 03.01.2018 01:59:55
M Log in 04.01.2018 01:59:55
M Log out 04.01.2018 23:59:59
=IF(OR(AND(A2=A3,B2="Log in",B3="Log out"),AND(A2=A1,B2="Log Out",B1="Log in")),"Keep","You need to insert a log out")
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Option Explicit
Public Sub AddMissingLogoutLines()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")
Dim iRow As Long
iRow = 2 'start in row 2
Do Until ws.Cells(iRow, "A").Value = vbNullString
If ws.Cells(iRow, "B").Value = "Log in" Then 'we are in a login line …
If ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "B").Value = "Log out" And ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "A").Value = ws.Cells(iRow, "A").Value Then
'login line followed by its logout line
'this is what we want so we do nothing
Else 'login line followed by a login line or a mismatching logout line
'logout is missing add it
ws.Rows(iRow + 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "A").Value = ws.Cells(iRow, "A").Value
ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "B").Value = "Log out"
ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "C").Value = DateValue(ws.Cells(iRow, "C").Value) + (1 - (1 / 24 / 60 / 60))
End If
iRow = iRow + 2
Else 'we are in a logout line …
If ws.Cells(iRow + 1, "B").Value = "Log out" Then 'logout line followed by a logout line
'logout after logout so delete both
ws.Range(iRow & ":" & iRow + 1).Delete
Else 'everything is ok go to next line
iRow = iRow + 1
'if you want to remove single `log out` lines with no login line too, then replace the iRow = iRow + 1 above with ws.Rows(iRow).Delete here
End If
End If
End Sub
运行代码后,我们看到删除了2条Log out
行,并创建了Log out
行中缺少的2条Log in
答案 1 :(得分:2)
Option Explicit
' Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting Runtime
' dctIds
' Id => dctSessions
' LogIn => dctSession
' "Id" => String
' "LogIn" => Date
' "LogOut" => Date
Public Sub ExtendData()
Dim dctIds As Dictionary: Set dctIds = New Dictionary
ReadData dctIds, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Input")
WriteData_v1 dctIds, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output_v1")
WriteData_v2 dctIds, ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Output_v2")
End Sub
Private Sub ReadData(dctIds As Dictionary, ewsInput As Worksheet)
' Assumption: header in first row, data starts in second row
Dim r As Long: For r = 2 To ewsInput.UsedRange.Row + ewsInput.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
' Assumption: Id is in first column
Dim strId As String: strId = ewsInput.Cells(r, 1).Value
' Assumption: Status is in second column
Dim strStatus As String: strStatus = ewsInput.Cells(r, 2).Value
' Assumption: Date is in third column, and ms precision is enough, change data type to Double and use Value2 instead of Value otherwise
Dim datDate As Date: datDate = ewsInput.Cells(r, 3).Value
Dim dctSessions As Dictionary
If dctIds.Exists(strId) = False Then
Set dctSessions = New Dictionary
dctIds.Add strId, dctSessions
Set dctSessions = dctIds(strId)
End If
If strStatus = "Log in" Then
Dim dctSessionNew As Dictionary: Set dctSessionNew = New Dictionary
dctSessionNew.Add "Id", strId
dctSessionNew.Add "Status", strStatus
dctSessionNew.Add "LogIn", datDate
dctSessions.Add datDate, dctSessionNew
ElseIf strStatus = "Log out" Then
Dim dctSessionLast As Dictionary: Set dctSessionLast = Nothing
Dim varSessionFound As Variant: For Each varSessionFound In dctSessions.Items
Dim dctSessionFound As Dictionary: Set dctSessionFound = varSessionFound
If dctSessionLast Is Nothing Then
Set dctSessionLast = dctSessionFound
ElseIf dctSessionLast("LogIn") <= dctSessionFound("LogIn") Then
Set dctSessionLast = dctSessionFound
End If
Next varSessionFound
If Not dctSessionLast Is Nothing Then
dctSessionLast.Add "LogOut", datDate
' Debug.Print "No Log in before Log out in row " & r
Dim dctSessionOvernight As Dictionary: Set dctSessionOvernight = New Dictionary
dctSessionOvernight.Add "Id", strId
dctSessionOvernight.Add "Status", strStatus
dctSessionOvernight.Add "LogIn", DateValue(datDate) + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0)
dctSessionOvernight.Add "LogOut", datDate
dctSessions.Add dctSessionOvernight("LogIn"), dctSessionOvernight
End If
Debug.Print "Invalid Status in row " & r
End If
Next r
End Sub
Private Sub WriteData_v1(dctIds As Dictionary, ewsOutput As Worksheet)
' Assumption: header in first row, data starts in second row
Dim r As Long: r = 2
Dim varSessions As Variant: For Each varSessions In dctIds.Items
Dim dctSessions As Dictionary: Set dctSessions = varSessions
Dim varSession As Variant: For Each varSession In dctSessions.Items
Dim dctSession As Dictionary: Set dctSession = varSession
' Assumption: Id is in first column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 1).Value = dctSession("Id")
' Assumption: Status is in second column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 2).Value = dctSession("Status")
' Assumption: Date is in third column, and ms precision is enough, change data type to Double and use Value2 instead of Value otherwise
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 3).Value = dctSession("LogIn")
r = r + 1
' Assumption: Id is in first column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 1).Value = dctSession("Id")
' Assumption: Status is in second column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 2).Value = dctSession("Status")
' Assumption: Date is in third column, and ms precision is enough, change data type to Double and use Value2 instead of Value otherwise
With ewsOutput.Cells(r, 3)
If dctSessions.Exists("LogOut") Then
.Value = dctSession("LogOut")
.Value = DateValue(dctSession("LogIn")) + TimeSerial(23, 59, 59)
End If
End With
r = r + 1
Next varSession
Next varSessions
End Sub
Private Sub WriteData_v2(dctIds As Dictionary, ewsOutput As Worksheet)
' Assumption: header in first row, data starts in second row
Dim r As Long: r = 2
Dim varSessions As Variant: For Each varSessions In dctIds.Items
Dim dctSessions As Dictionary: Set dctSessions = varSessions
Dim varSession As Variant: For Each varSession In dctSessions.Items
Dim dctSession As Dictionary: Set dctSession = varSession
' Assumption: Id is in first column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 1).Value = dctSession("Id")
' Assumption: Status is in second column
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 2).Value = dctSession("Status")
' Assumption: LogIn is in third column, and ms precision is enough, change data type to Double and use Value2 instead of Value otherwise
ewsOutput.Cells(r, 3).Value = dctSession("LogIn")
' Assumption: LogOut is in fourth column, and ms precision is enough, change data type to Double and use Value2 instead of Value otherwise
With ewsOutput.Cells(r, 4)
If dctSessions.Exists("LogOut") Then
.Value = dctSession("LogOut")
.Value = DateValue(dctSession("LogIn")) + TimeSerial(23, 59, 59)
End If
End With
r = r + 1
Next varSession
Next varSessions
End Sub