
时间:2019-02-25 19:28:10

标签: bash for-loop

我很欣赏标题可能不清楚,但是找不到更好的写法。 本质上,我想知道是否有可能告诉外壳程序


b)将第二组四个文件移动到目录b 等等,大约一千个文件。







编辑:需要移动的文件是.zip文件,格式为“ x_y_z.zip”,其中

x =所有文件通用的字符串

y =一个字符串,用于标识哪个文件属于哪个组

z =每个组中第n个文件唯一的字符串。


我需要做的是逐个浏览目录,并将共享“ y”的.zip文件移动到包含该组且仅包含该组的另一个目录中。我遇到的问题是目录名称不能包含'y',因此我需要一种方法来更改'y'时通知外壳并将文件移动到列表中的下一个目录。



cd ~/Downloads/ZIP
ls -rt *.zip > file.txt


for i in *.zip
    mv 'line a of file.txt' 'line a of directory.txt' 
    let a=a+1

ls -rt命令是必需的,因为尽管文件确实具有某种标识系统,但它与我使用的id系统绝对无关,但是值得庆幸的是,我以目录的顺序创建了文件在directory.txt文件中列出。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


last=''                          # pre-sets the comparator to empty
while read -u 4 file             # read a filename 
do IFS=_ read x y z <<< "$file"  # splits filename on _ for y
   if [[ "$y" != "$last" ]]      # when it has changed
   then read -u 3 dir            # reads from the dirs file
        last="$y"                # updates comparator
   mv "$file" "$dir/"            # does the move
done 3< dirs 4< files            # this assigns the streams to fd's

0中的stdin的默认fd(文件描述符)。 我们将为fir指定一个新的fd 3作为文件名,为文件名指定另一个fd 4。对于

done 3< dirs 4< files


read -u 3 dir从fd#3显式读取,因此它不消耗其他任何内容,例如文件名。
read -u 4 file从fd#4显式读取,因此它不消耗其他任何内容,例如目录。


read [-ers] [-a aname] [-d delim] [-i text] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t  timeout]  [-u  fd]  [name
  One line is read from the standard input, or from the
  file descriptor fd supplied as an argument to the -u 
  option, and the first word is assigned to the first name,
  the second word to the second name, and so on, with 
  leftover words and their intervening separators assigned
  to the last name.  If there are fewer words read from the 
  input stream than names, the remaining names are assigned
  empty values. The characters in IFS are used to split
  the line into words. The backslash character (\) may be
  used to remove any special meaning for the next character
  read and for line continuation.

Options, if supplied, have the following meanings:
  -u fd      Read input from file descriptor fd.


  -a aname   The  words are assigned to sequential indices
             of the array variable aname, starting at 0. 
             aname is unset before any new values are
             assigned.  Other name arguments are ignored.
  -d delim   The first character of delim is used to 
             terminate the input line, rather than newline.
  -e         If the standard input is coming from a
             terminal, readline (see READLINE above) is used
             to obtain the  line. Readline uses the current
             (or default, if line editing was not previously
             active) editing settings.
  -i text    If readline is being used to read the line,
             text is placed into the editing buffer before
             editing begins.
  -n nchars  read returns  after reading nchars characters
             rather than waiting for a complete line of 
             input, but honor a delimiter if fewer than 
             nchars characters are read before the
  -N nchars  read returns after reading exactly nchars
             characters rather than waiting for a complete
             line of input, unless EOF is encountered or
             read times out. Delimiter characters
             encountered in the input are not treated
             specially and do not cause read to return until
             nchars characters are read.
  -p prompt  Display prompt on standard error, without a
             trailing newline, before attempting to read any
             input. The prompt is displayed only if input is
             coming from a terminal.
  -r         Backslash does not act as an escape character. 
             The backslash is considered to be  part  of the                     
             line. In particular, a backslash-newline pair 
             may not be used as a line continuation.
  -s         Silent mode.  If input is coming from a
             terminal, characters are not echoed.
  -t timeout Cause read to time out and return failure if a
             complete line of input is not read within
             timeout seconds. timeout may be a decimal
             number with a fractional portion following the
             decimal point. This  option  is only effective
             if read is reading input from a terminal, pipe,
             or other special file; it has no effect when
             reading from regular files. If timeout is 0,
             read  returns  success if input is available on
             the specified file descriptor, failure
             otherwise. The exit status is greater than 128
             if the timeout is exceeded.

答案 1 :(得分:0)




for filename in ./x*; do
    middle=$( echo "$filename" | cut -d\_ -f2 |tr -d "\n" | od -An -t uC)
    mkdir -p $middle;
    mv $filename $middle;

这会将每个文件移动到基​​于该文件“ y”的文件夹“ y”中。 如果该目录不存在,它将创建它。应该在与文件相同的目录中运行。

如果我误解了,而您确实确实需要检查进入每个目录的数量,那么只需在读取“ z”值的情况下将其添加到现有目录中的另一个循环就应该很容易了。