function [cleared] = Non_Local_Means(I,f,t,h)
[m,n] = size(I);
% Making gaussian kernel
su=1; %standard deviation of gaussian kernel
sm=0; % sum of all kernel elements (for normalization)
ks= 2*f+1; % size of kernel (same as neighborhood window size)
% Initiating kernel
ker = zeros(ks,ks);
for x=1:ks
for y=1:ks
ab = x-f-1; %horizontal distance of pixel from center(f+1, f+1)
cd = y-f-1; % vertical distance of pixel from center (f+1, f+1)
ker(x,y) = 100*exp(((ab*ab)+(cd*cd))/(-2*(su*su)));
sm = sm + ker(x,y);
kernel = ker ./ f;
kernel = kernel / sm; % normalization
% Assign a clear output image
cleared = zeros(m,n);
I = padarray(I,[f,f],'symmetric');
% Now we'll calculate ouput for each pixel
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
im = i+f; % to compensate for shift due to padarray function
jn= j+f;
% neighborhood of concerned pixel (we called it similarity window)
W1 = I(im-f:im+f , jn-f:jn+f);
% BOundaries of similarity window for that pixel
rmin = max(im-t, f+1);
rmax = min(im+t, m+f);
smin = max(jn-t, f+1);
smax = min(jn+t, n+f);
% Calculate weighted average next
NL=0; % same as cleared (i,j) but for simplicity
Z =0; % sum of all s(i,j)
% Run loop through all the pixels in similarity window
for r=rmin:rmax
for s=smin:smax
% neighborhood of pixel 'j' being compared for similarity
W2 = I(r-f:r+f, s-f:s+f);
% square of weighted euclidian distances
d2 = sum(sum(kernel.*(W1-W2).*(W1-W2))); %LINE 67
% weight of similarity between both pixels : s(i,j)
sij = exp(-d2/(h*h));
% update Z and NL
Z = Z + sij;
NL = NL + (sij*I(r,s));
% normalization of NL
cleared(i,j) = NL/Z;
% convert cleared to uint8
cleared = uint8(cleared);
使用。*时出错 整数只能与相同类的整数或标量双精度数组合。
Non_Local_Means错误(第67行) d2 = sum(sum(sum.kernel。(W1-W2)。(W1-W2)));
filter_process错误(第32行) eval(['filter_Images。',name_of_cells {i},'(',num2str(m),')','。',column_name {n},'((:,:,',num2str(p),') = Non_Local_Means(filter_Images。',name_of_cells {i},'(',num2str(m),')','。',column_name {n},'(:,:,',num2str(p),'), f,t,h);'])
无标题> pushbutton13_Callback中的错误(第1157行) handles.filtered_Images = filter_process(Images,f,t,h);
gui_mainfcn错误(第95行) feval(varargin {:});
无标题错误(第42行) gui_mainfcn(gui_State,varargin {:});
如何解决此问题(第67行)? 预先谢谢你!