更新R Shiny中的DT列过滤器选择

时间:2019-02-23 22:57:46

标签: r shiny datatables dt

我使用DT软件包在R Shiny应用程序中有一个数据表。该表已启用列过滤器。有时,我将使用replaceData函数替换数据表中的数据。发生这种情况时,数据会更新,但列过滤器中的选择仍会反映原始数据的选择。

在下面的示例中,初始数据具有三行,可以使用任何列过滤器将每一行过滤为该行。单击“更新数据”按钮会将数据替换为相同的数据,再加上一行。您可以看到NUMERIC列的选择仍然仅是1到3,而不是1到4,而FACTOR列的选择仍然只给出了“ A”,“ B”和“ C”作为选择,但不包括“ D”。



ui <- fluidPage(
  fluidRow(actionButton("replace", "Replace Data"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$table <- renderDT({
    data <- data.frame(NUMERIC = c(1, 2, 3), FACTOR = as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), TEXT = c("A1", "B2", "C3"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    datatable(data, filter = list(position = "top"))

  observeEvent(input$replace, {
    data <- data.frame(NUMERIC = c(1, 2, 3, 4), FACTOR = as.factor(c("A", "B", "C", "D")), TEXT = c("A1", "B2", "C3", "D4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    replaceData(proxy = dataTableProxy("table"), data = data)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



当替换现有表中的数据时,请确保   新数据的列数与当前数据相同。当你   已启用列过滤器,还应确保属性   每列的保持不变,例如因子列应具有   相同或更少的级别,并且数字列应具有相同或   范围较小,否则过滤器可能永远无法达到   数据中的某些行。



如果您使用trace(datatable, edit=T),则可以修改函数datatable,以便用原始代码代替:

function (data, options = list(), class = "display", callback = JS("return table;"), 
  rownames, colnames, container, caption = NULL, filter = c("none", 
    "bottom", "top"), escape = TRUE, style = "default", 
  width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL, fillContainer = getOption("DT.fillContainer", 
    NULL), autoHideNavigation = getOption("DT.autoHideNavigation", 
    NULL), selection = c("multiple", "single", "none"), 
  extensions = list(), plugins = NULL, editable = FALSE) 
  datafull = data[[2]]
  data = data[[1]]
  oop = base::options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  on.exit(base::options(oop), add = TRUE)
  options = modifyList(getOption("DT.options", list()), if (is.function(options)) 
  else options)
  params = list()
  if (crosstalk::is.SharedData(data)) {
    params$crosstalkOptions = list(key = data$key(), group = data$groupName())
    data = data$data(withSelection = FALSE, withFilter = TRUE, 
      withKey = FALSE)
    datafull = data$data(withSelection = FALSE, withFilter = TRUE, 
      withKey = FALSE)
  rn = if (missing(rownames) || isTRUE(rownames)) 
  else {
    if (is.character(rownames)) 
  hideDataTable = FALSE
  if (is.null(data) || identical(ncol(data), 0L)) {
    data = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = NROW(data))
    datafull = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = NROW(datafull))
    hideDataTable = TRUE
  else if (length(dim(data)) != 2) {
    stop("'data' must be 2-dimensional (e.g. data frame or matrix)")
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    data = as.data.frame(data)
    numc = unname(which(vapply(data, is.numeric, logical(1))))
  else {
    if (!is.matrix(data)) 
      stop("'data' must be either a matrix or a data frame, and cannot be ", 
        classes(data), " (you may need to coerce it to matrix or data frame)")
    numc = if (is.numeric(data)) 
    data = as.data.frame(data)
  if (!is.null(rn)) {
    data = cbind(` ` = rn, data)
    datafull = cbind(` ` = rn, datafull)
    numc = numc + 1
  if (length(numc)) {
    undefined_numc = setdiff(numc - 1, classNameDefinedColumns(options))
    if (length(undefined_numc)) 
      options = appendColumnDefs(options, list(className = "dt-right", 
        targets = undefined_numc))
  if (is.null(options[["order"]])) 
    options$order = list()
  if (is.null(options[["autoWidth"]])) 
    options$autoWidth = FALSE
  if (is.null(options[["orderClasses"]])) 
    options$orderClasses = FALSE
  cn = base::colnames(data)
  if (missing(colnames)) {
    colnames = cn
  else if (!is.null(names(colnames))) {
    i = convertIdx(colnames, cn)
    cn[i] = names(colnames)
    colnames = cn
  if (ncol(data) - length(colnames) == 1) 
    colnames = c(" ", colnames)
  if (length(colnames) && colnames[1] == " ") 
    options = appendColumnDefs(options, list(orderable = FALSE, 
      targets = 0))
  style = match.arg(tolower(style), DTStyles())
  if (style == "bootstrap") 
    class = DT2BSClass(class)
  if (style != "default") 
    params$style = style
  if (isTRUE(fillContainer)) 
    class = paste(class, "fill-container")
  if (is.character(filter)) 
    filter = list(position = match.arg(filter))
  filter = modifyList(list(position = "none", clear = TRUE, 
    plain = FALSE), filter)
  filterHTML = as.character(filterRow(datafull, !is.null(rn) && 
    colnames[1] == " ", filter))
  if (filter$position == "top") 
    options$orderCellsTop = TRUE
  params$filter = filter$position
  if (filter$position != "none") 
    params$filterHTML = filterHTML
  if (missing(container)) {
    container = tags$table(tableHeader(colnames, escape), 
      class = class)
  else {
    params$class = class
  attr(options, "escapeIdx") = escapeToConfig(escape, colnames)
  if (is.list(extensions)) {
    extensions = names(extensions)
  else if (!is.character(extensions)) {
    stop("'extensions' must be either a character vector or a named list")
  params$extensions = if (length(extensions)) 
  if ("Responsive" %in% extensions) 
    options$responsive = TRUE
  params$caption = captionString(caption)
  if (editable) 
    params$editable = editable
  if (!identical(class(callback), class(JS("")))) 
    stop("The 'callback' argument only accept a value returned from JS()")
  if (length(options$pageLength) && length(options$lengthMenu) == 
    0) {
    if (!isFALSE(options$lengthChange)) 
      options$lengthMenu = sort(unique(c(options$pageLength, 
        10, 25, 50, 100)))
    if (identical(options$lengthMenu, c(10, 25, 50, 100))) 
      options$lengthMenu = NULL
  if (!is.null(fillContainer)) 
    params$fillContainer = fillContainer
  if (!is.null(autoHideNavigation)) 
    params$autoHideNavigation = autoHideNavigation
  params = structure(modifyList(params, list(data = data, 
    container = as.character(container), options = options, 
    callback = if (!missing(callback)) JS("function(table) {", 
      callback, "}"))), colnames = cn, rownames = length(rn) > 
  if (inShiny() || length(params$crosstalkOptions)) {
    if (is.character(selection)) {
      selection = list(mode = match.arg(selection))
    selection = modifyList(list(mode = "multiple", selected = NULL, 
      target = "row"), selection)
    if (grepl("^row", selection$target) && is.character(selection$selected) && 
      length(rn)) {
      selection$selected = match(selection$selected, rn)
    params$selection = selection
  deps = list(DTDependency(style))
  deps = c(deps, unlist(lapply(extensions, extDependency, 
    style, options), recursive = FALSE))
  if (params$filter != "none") 
    deps = c(deps, filterDependencies())
  if (isTRUE(options$searchHighlight)) 
    deps = c(deps, list(pluginDependency("searchHighlight")))
  if (length(plugins)) 
    deps = c(deps, lapply(plugins, pluginDependency))
  deps = c(deps, crosstalk::crosstalkLibs())
  if (isTRUE(fillContainer)) {
    width = NULL
    height = NULL
  htmlwidgets::createWidget("datatables", if (hideDataTable) 
  else params, package = "DT", width = width, height = height, 
    elementId = elementId, sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(knitr.figure = FALSE, 
      knitr.defaultWidth = "100%", knitr.defaultHeight = "auto"), 
    dependencies = deps, preRenderHook = function(instance) {
      data = instance[["x"]][["data"]]
      if (object.size(data) > 1500000 && getOption("DT.warn.size", 
        warning("It seems your data is too big for client-side DataTables. You may ", 
          "consider server-side processing: https://rstudio.github.io/DT/server.html")
      data = escapeData(data, escape, colnames)
      data = unname(data)
      instance$x$data = data



ui <- fluidPage(
  fluidRow(actionButton("replace", "Replace Data"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$table <- renderDT({
    data <- data.table(NUMERIC = c(1, 2, 3), FACTOR = as.factor(c("A", "B", "C")), TEXT = c("A1", "B2", "C3"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    datafull <- data.table(NUMERIC = c(1, 2, 3, 4), FACTOR = as.factor(c("A", "B", "C", "D")), TEXT = c("A1", "B2", "C3", "D4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    datatable(list(data,datafull), filter = list(position = "top"))


  observeEvent(input$replace, {
    data <- data.frame(NUMERIC = c(1, 2, 3, 4), FACTOR = as.factor(c("A", "B", "C", "D")), TEXT = c("A1", "B2", "C3", "D4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    replaceData(proxy = dataTableProxy("table"), data = data)


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

您看到可以从头开始过滤D4。 我知道这是一件很棘手的事情。求求你,不要严厉地评判我...