
时间:2019-02-23 16:13:56

标签: audio-streaming shoutcast

在Ubuntu 14.04LTS上运行Darkice,并通过调音台通过麦克风输入连接音频源,这使我可以让麦克风和音频源播放音乐。


bitrateMode     = cbr  
bitrate         = 224
quality         = 1    
server          = XXX.XXX.XXX.XX
port            = 8000       
password        = theP4ssw0RdisF4k3
name            = My Radio Station  
url             = http://urltowebsite
genre           = rock
public          = no



bitrateMode     = cbr      
bitrate         = 224
quality         = 1        
server          = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
port            = 8000     
password        = PassW0rdToSecondStream
format          = mp3
name            = Hawkwynd Radio - LIVE from The Greystone 
url             = http://stream.hawkwynd.com    
genre           = Classic Rock    
public          = no       

现在,当尝试运行sudo darkice -c darkice.cfg -v 10时:

DarkIce 1.0 live audio streamer, http://code.google.com/p/darkice/
Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Tyrell Hungary, http://tyrell.hu/
Copyright (c) 2008-2010, Akos Maroy and Rafael Diniz
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it 
under the terms of The GNU General Public License version 3 or
any later version.

Using config file: darkice.cfg
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 Using ALSA DSP input device: hw:1,0
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 encoding
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 scheduler high priority 99
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 Using POSIX real-time scheduling, priority 98
Home directory not accessible: Permission denied
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 server response length:  20
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 server response:  OK2

X#n (   o   
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame mode 1
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame channels 2
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame in sample rate 44100
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame out sample rate 44100
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame bit rate 224
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame quality 0
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame lowpass frequency 0
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame highpass frequency 0
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame psycho acoustic model 1
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 set lame error protection 1
LAME 3.99.5 32bits (http://lame.sf.net)
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 19383 Hz - 19916 Hz
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 server response length:  18
23-Feb-2019 10:08:03 server response:  Invalid Password
?   o   ??o 
DarkIce: LameLibEncoder.cpp:75: lame lib opening underlying sink error [0]


我使用BUTT连接到第二个流,而第一个流运行的Darkice配置为仅[shoutcast-0]部分,并且BUTT使用旧密码正常连接。旧密码“ password#1”无法在darkice.cfg文件中指示。


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