
时间:2019-02-22 17:07:05

标签: typescript


我相信两个地方的from kivy.base import runTouchApp from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput runTouchApp(Builder.load_string(‘’’ <MyInputs@TextInput>: focus: True multiline: False on_text_validate: self.get_focus_next().focus = True BoxLayout: MyInputs: MyInputs: MyInputs: ‘’’ 中的C都在扔

...args: C


: A rest parameter must be of an array type. (2370)
: A rest parameter must be of an array type. (2370)
: Type '<A extends string, B extends string, C extends any[], D>(A: A, B: B, fn: (...args: C) => D) => { ...' is not assignable to type 'MakeFromTo'.
  Type '{ [x: string]: { to: { [x: string]: (...args: C) => D; }; }; }' is not assignable to type 'Record<A, { to: Record<B, (...args: C) => D>; }>'. (2322)

使用打字稿type MethodResult<TFrom extends string, TTo extends string, C extends any[], D> = Record<TFrom, { to: Record<TTo, (...args: C) => D>; }>; type MakeFromTo = <A extends string, B extends string, C extends any[], D> (A: A, B: B, fn: (...args: C) => D) => MethodResult<A, B, C, D>; const makeFromTo: MakeFromTo = (A, B, fn) => ({ [A]: { to: { [B]: fn } } });

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