我想写一个经典的缓存数据结构的Swift版本,它使用一个数组直到某个可配置的限制,然后切换到map [2]。 不幸的是,我在编写甚至更简单的数据结构时所获得的性能特征使我认为此刻无法立即实现。
import Foundation
let aKey = 196
var cache: [(Int, String)] = []
for _ in 0..<1_000_000_000
var t: String?
for (k, v) in cache
if k == aKey
t = v
if t == nil
let str = "some cache value with key=\(aKey)"
cache.append((aKey, str))
t = str
import Foundation
struct DummyCache<K:Hashable, V>
var array:[(K, V?)] = []
subscript(index: K) -> V?
for (k, v) in array
if k == index
return v
return nil
array.append((index, newValue))
let aKey = 196
var cache: DummyCache<Int, String> = DummyCache()
cache[aKey] = "some cache value with key=\(aKey)"
for _ in 0..<1_000_000_000
var t: String? = cache[aKey]
实际上慢了45倍! (大约35.532s)
import Foundation
struct Cache<K:Hashable, V>
let limit: Int
var array:[(K, V)]? = nil
var map: [K:V]? = nil
let buildValueFromKey: (K) -> V
init(limit: Int = 20, buildValueFromKey:@escaping (K) -> V) //optimal limit depends, must conduct tests to find optimal value
self.limit = limit
self.buildValueFromKey = buildValueFromKey
subscript(index: K) -> V
mutating get
if var map = map
if let res = map[index]
return res
let res = buildValueFromKey(index)
map[index] = res
return res
else //array mode
if array == nil
let res = buildValueFromKey(index)
array = [(index, res)]
return res
for (k, v) in array! //can't be null at that point
if k == index
return v
// array does not contain index at this point, create & append it
let res = buildValueFromKey(index)
array!.append((index, res))
return res
let aKey = 196
var cache: Cache<Int, String> = Cache{ "some cache value with key=\($0)" }
for _ in 0..<1_000_000_000
var t: String? = cache[aKey]