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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Ozio Authentic Sushi</title>
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<div id="wrapper">
<div id="logo">
<h1>Ozio Authentic Sushi</h1>
</div> <!-- Logo ends -->
<section id="hero">
<div id="keymessage">
<h2>Japanese Fusion Cuisine</h2>
<h3>Authentic &am; Traditionally Inspired Japanese Dishes</h3>
<p>Try our New FALL Specialties ></p>
</section> <!-- Hero ends -->
<section id="featured">
<div class="featured-item">
<p><img src="assets/featured-pumpkin_chipotle%20soup.jpg" width="319" height="158" alt="Seasonal Soups - Pumpkin Chipolete Soup"/> </p>
<h2>Seasonal Soups</h2>
<p>Ozio offers a collection of soups each fall that warm hands and make hearts happy. Each fall our sous-chef explore great locally grown flavours to bring the best combinations to awake your senses with our seasoning. (Pumpkin Chipotle Soup)</p>
<p class="featured-button">More</p>
</div> <!-- Seasonal Soups end -->
<div class="featured-item">
<p><img src="assets/featured-maki_sushi.jpg" width="319" height="158" alt="Sushi - Maki SUshi"/> </p>
<h2>Savoury Sushi</h2>
<p>We have a wide selection of traditional sushi creations as well as creations unique to Ozio Authentic Sushi. We serve maki sushi for people who are becoming sushi lovers to hand-rolled temaki sushi for the more refined palette. </p>
<p class="featured-button">More</p>
</div> <!-- Savoury Sushi end -->
<div class="featured-item">
<p><img src="assets/featured-udon.jpg" width="319" height="158" alt="Undeniable UDon"/> </p>
<h2>Undeniable UDon</h2>
<p>Enjoy a traditional taste of Japanese Udon noodles. We serve Fall Udon soups warm to heat up your taste buds during the cooler weather. Udon come in a number of pairing styles for both the meat lovers and veggitarians - the choice is all yours.</p>
<p class="featured-button">More</p>
</div> <!-- Undeniable UDon end -->
</section> <!-- Featured ends -->
<section id="gallery">
<div class="gallery-pics">
<p><img src="assets/salad_bowl.jpg"></p>
<p><img src="assets/gravy_bowl.jpg"></p>
<p><img src="assets/orange_on_white.jpg"></p>
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<img src="assets/gravy_bowl.jpg" alt="Gravy">
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<img src="assets/two_bowls.jpg" alt="Bowls">
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<img src="assets/salad_bowl.jpg" alt="Salad">
<div class="column">
<img src="assets/sushi.jpg" alt="Sushi">
<div class="column">
<img src="assets/orange_on_white.jpg" alt="OrangeOnWhite">
<div class="column">
<img src="assets/shrimp.jpg" alt="Shrimp">
</div> <!-- Wrapper ends -->
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