尝试保存带注释的Excel工作簿时出现问题。 在Excel文件中没有任何注释,我的脚本没有问题。我只是使用:
wb_archive = load_workbook(archive_file)
wb_archive = load_workbook(archive_file, keep_vba=True)
KeyError:“存档中没有名为'xl / sharedStrings.xml'的项目”
# coding: utf8
# !/usr/bin/env python3
Program to extract Excel data to an archive
Program Python version 3.5
# Standard Library
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import date
# External Libraries
from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Import the interface
# Import the project .py files
filein = "file1.xlsx"
fileout = "file2.xlsx"
def xlarchive(source_file, source_sheet, archive_file, archive_sheet, source_start_line=0, archiving_method="NEW", option_date=False):
Function to save data from an Excel Workbook (source) to another one (archive).
Variables shall be check before calling the function.
:param source_file: file where data are copied from (source)
:type source_file: Path file
:param source_sheet: name of the sheet where data are located on the source file
:type source_sheet: string
:param archive_file: file where data are copied to (destination)
:type archive_file: Path file
:param archive_sheet: name of the sheet where data have to be copied on the destination file
:type archive_sheet: string
:param source_start_line:
:type source_start_line: int
:param archiving_method: defines if the destination file has to be created
:type archiving_method: string
:param option_date: defines if the extraction data shall be recorded
:type option_date: bool
:return: None
wb_source = load_workbook(source_file)
#keep_vba = true to avoid issue with comments
ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name(source_sheet)
wb_archive = load_workbook(archive_file)
ws_archive = wb_archive.get_sheet_by_name(archive_sheet)
if archiving_method == "NEW":
# index of [archive_sheet] sheet
idx = wb_archive.sheetnames.index(archive_sheet)
# remove [ws_archive]
# create an empty sheet [ws_archive] using old index
wb_archive.create_sheet(archive_sheet, idx)
ws_archive = wb_archive.get_sheet_by_name(archive_sheet)
# If extraction has been performed the same day, previous data will be replaced
# Date are store in Excel under format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
# extractiondate is from datetime.now().date() and its format is YYYY-MM-DD
# Comparison thanks to string is needed
# As Openpyxl does not enable to delete row, the below code clear data and find the first empty occurrence
if option_date == True:
j = 0
for i in range(ws_archive.max_row, 1, -1):
if str(ws_archive.cell(row=i, column=1).value)[0:10] == str(date.today()):
ws_archive.delete_rows(ws_archive.max_row - j + 1, j)
for row in ws_source.iter_rows(min_row=source_start_line):
complete_row = []
for item in row:
if option_date is True:
complete_row.insert(0, str(date.today()))
xlarchive(filein, "Sheet1", fileout, "Sheet1", option_date=True, archiving_method="False", source_start_line=2)