我正在尝试使用boostmtree包来预测值;然而 看起来包使用了mclapply,我得到了这个错误(代码和错误 下面): install.packages(“ boostmtree”) 图书馆(boostmtree) M <-500
## simulation 0: only main effects (x1, x3, x4)
dtaO <- simLong(n = 100, ntest = 100, model = 2, q = 25)
## save the data as both a list and data frame
dtaL <- dtaO$dtaL
dta <- dtaO$dta
## get the training data
trn <- dtaO$trn
o.1 <- boostmtree(dtaL$features[trn, ], dtaL$time[trn],
M = 350)
p.1 <- predict(o.1, dtaL$features[-trn, ], dtaL$time[-trn], dtaL$id[-trn],
Error in mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule,
= mc.set.seed, :
'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows