PS:缺席很长时间之后,我才刚开始回到C ++,所以我的技能有点生锈。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string animal = "fish";
string guess;
char choose = 'Y';
int count = 0;
int limit = 5;
bool out_of_guesses = false;
cout << "I am thinking of an animal.\n" << endl;
while (animal != guess && !out_of_guesses)
if (count < limit)
cout << "Can you guess what animal I am thinking of?: ";
getline(cin, guess);
if (animal != guess)
cout << "\nHmm, nope. That's not the animal I'm thinking of." << endl;
if (count > 2 && count < 5)
cout << "I'll give you a hint. It lives in water." << endl;
out_of_guesses = true;
if (out_of_guesses)
cout << "\nI'm sorry, but you are out of guesses.\n" << endl;
cout << "\n*** Good job! You guessed the correct animal! ***\n" << endl;
cout << "\t\t><)))º> ❤ <º)))><\t\t" << endl;
cout << "\nWould you like to try again?: ";
cin >> choose;
} while (choose == 'Y' || 'y');
return 0;