
时间:2019-02-20 15:23:02

标签: javascript jquery .net asp.net-core


     $(document).ready(function () {
         if(@TempData["Error"].ToString() != null)
             alert("Message 1");
         } else {
             alert("Message 2");

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

public class ContainsTranslationDefinition : Attribute { } /// <summary> /// Creates the namespace for a popup window and has an additional flag for the caption /// </summary> public class LanguagePopupMessage { public string Namespace { get; } public string Caption => $"{Namespace}Caption"; public LanguagePopupMessage(string fieldName) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldName)); if (_GetNamespace() is Type type) { Namespace = $"{type}.{fieldName}"; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("could not fetch the namespace"); } } private Type _GetNamespace() { StackTrace st = new StackTrace(); foreach (var sf in st.GetFrames()) { var type = sf.GetMethod().DeclaringType; if (type != GetType()) { return type; } } return null; } public override string ToString() { return $"Namespace '{Namespace}' Caption '{Caption}'"; } } /// <summary> /// Add <see cref="LanguagePopupMessage"/> into the <see cref="Container.Model"/> type lifecycle /// </summary> public class FindAllLanguagePopupMessages : IRegistrationConvention { private readonly ILifecycle _Lifecycle = new UniquePerRequestLifecycle(); public void ScanTypes(TypeSet types, Registry registry) { List<LanguagePopupMessage> dec = new List<LanguagePopupMessage>(); foreach (Type type in types.AllTypes()) { if (!Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(ContainsTranslationDefinition))) { continue; } _FindConfigDeclarations(type, dec); } foreach (LanguagePopupMessage languagePopupMessage in dec) { Console.WriteLine($"{languagePopupMessage}"); } } private static void _FindConfigDeclarations(Type type, List<LanguagePopupMessage> declarations) { var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); declarations.AddRange(fields .Where(info => info.IsInitOnly && typeof(LanguagePopupMessage).IsAssignableFrom(info.FieldType)) .Select(info => (LanguagePopupMessage)info.GetValue(null))); // find all nested class types and run method recursively foreach (var nestedType in type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public)) { _FindConfigDeclarations(nestedType, declarations); } } } [ContainsTranslationDefinition] public class TestClass { private static readonly LanguagePopupMessage _CONFIG_1 = new LanguagePopupMessage("ConfigNotLoaded1"); private static readonly LanguagePopupMessage _CONFIG_2 = new LanguagePopupMessage("ConfigNotLoaded2"); } [ContainsTranslationDefinition] public class Program { //ConsoleApp1.Program.PopupMessage.ConfigNotLoaded //ConsoleApp1.Program.PopupMessage.ConfigNotLoadedCaption private static readonly LanguagePopupMessage _CONFIG_NOT_LOADED_POPUP_MESSAGE = new LanguagePopupMessage("ConfigNotLoaded3"); static void Main(string[] args) { // Create container and tell where to look for depencies IContainer container = new Container(c => c.Scan(scanner => { scanner.TheCallingAssembly(); scanner.WithDefaultConventions(); scanner.AssembliesFromApplicationBaseDirectory(); scanner.With(new FindAllLanguagePopupMessages()); })); Console.ReadKey(); } } 不是正确的方法名称,正确的方法名称是ToString()

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    var val = '@Html.Raw((string)TempData["ErrorMessage"])';
    if(val != "")