
时间:2019-02-20 13:33:01

标签: networking stunnel



2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Found 1 ready file descriptor(s)
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: FD=544 ifds=r-x ofds=r--
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Dispatching a signal from the signal pipe
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Processing SIGNAL_RELOAD_CONFIG
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Running on Windows 6.2
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG5[main]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG5[main]: UTF-8 byte order mark detected
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Compression disabled
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: No PRNG seeding was required
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [RDC]
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Ciphers: HIGH:!aNULL:!SSLv2:!DH:!kDHEPSK
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: TLS options: 0x00104004 (+0x00004000, -0x02000000)
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Private key check succeeded
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: DH initialization not needed
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: ECDH initialization
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: ECDH initialized with curve prime256v1
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG5[main]: Configuration successful
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOGS[main]: Deallocating section defaults
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG5[main]: Logging to coinsetter.log
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Binding service [RDC]
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Listening file descriptor created (FD=1360)
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Setting accept socket options (FD=1360)
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG7[main]: Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket
2019.02.20 18:35:02 LOG6[main]: Service [RDC] (FD=1360) bound to

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