我想在此查询中放置一个IF语句条件,该条件基于顶部的变量。我想将 var line_item 设置为 true 或 false 。根据line_item = false的条件,然后不要 $ unwind line_items ,否则不要$ unwind line_items。
var item_category = "sales-revenue";
var context = "item"; // item, customer, supplier, staff
var def_lang = "EN";
var metric_group = "month"; // year, month, date, hour, minute
const periods = {
"year" : 10000000000,
"month" : 100000000,
"date" : 1000000,
"hour" : 10000,
"minute": 100,
// if context = "" then the metric_group is by null
const collection = "9SP_Data";
const categories = {
"sales-revenue": {
"class": "revenue-transaction",
"name" : "revenue",
"category": "sales",
"sales-expense": {
"class": "expense-transaction",
"name" : "expense",
"category" : "sales",
"payments": {
"class" : "payment-transaction",
"name": "payment",
"category" : "payment",
const date_range = {
start: 20160101000000,
end: 20170101000000
const contexts = {
"item" : "$line_items.item_name",
"customer" : "$party_identifier",
"supplier" : "$party_identifier",
"staff" : "$staff_name",
// sums any line_item values of specific category by month, day, hour and even minute
{"$match" : {"_id.object_category" : categories[item_category].class,
"_id.transaction_date": {
$gte: date_range.start,
$lt: date_range.end
// also should include company
// refine filter to line_item types and then apply calculations and lookups
{"$unwind" : "$line_items"},
{"$match" : {"line_items.item_category": item_category}},
{"$group" : {
"company" : "$_id.connection",
"sum_by_date": {$trunc:{ $divide: ["$_id.transaction_date", periods[metric_group] ]}},
"category" : "$line_items.item_category",
"group_by" : contexts[context],
"origin_category" : "$_id.object_origin_category",
"object_origin_type" : "$_id.object_origin_type",
"object_origin" : "$_id.object_origin"
"metric_value" : { $sum: "$line_items.item_net_total_value" },
"metric_volume" : { $sum: "$line_items.item_quantity" }
// need to include a $count of documents within these groups NOT count of line_items as metric_volume
// saving space for a $lookup [name, category, def_lang and "definition"] from metrics to include global name and description in local language
{"$project" : {
"_id.company" : "$_id.company",
"_id.metric_name" : {$literal : categories[item_category].name},
"_id.metric_category" : {$literal : categories[item_category].category},
"_id.metric_type" : {$literal : metric_group},
"_id.metric_lookup" : "$_id.sum_by_date",
"_id.object_origin_category": "$_id.origin_category",
"_id.object_origin_type" : "$_id.object_origin_type",
"_id.object_origin" : "$_id.object_origin",
"metric_group" : "$_id.group_by",
"metric_value" : "$metric_value",
"metric_currency" : {$literal : "NZD"}, // currency not in current Vend extract I'm working with
"metric_volume" : "$metric_volume" // only relevant why metric_group NOT null