我从usda api中检索了一些食物,并希望在列表视图中列出它们,它可以很好地检索产品,也列出它们,但列表项为空,并且在控制台中显示:
[0:] Binding: Sunshine Cheez-It Crackers Original 3oz, UNPREPARED, GTIN: 00024100219131 can not be converted to type 'System.String'
[0:] Binding: Sunshine Cheez-It Crackers Hot & Spicy 7oz, UNPREPARED, GTIN: 00024100705849 can not be converted to type 'System.String
问题:listitems为空,我不知道我的字符串转换有什么问题。 相关提示:对于这个项目,我导入了newtonsoftJSON和system.http
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public int start = 0;
public MainPage()
private async void LoadFood(int start)
lvwFoods.ItemsSource = await VoedselManager.GetFoodListAsync(start, start + 10);
private async void btnLoad_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
start += 10;
lvwFoods.ItemsSource = await VoedselManager.GetFoodListAsync(start, start + 10);
public class Voedsel
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "id")]
public string Id { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "name")]
public string Name { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Name;
public class VoedselManager
public static async Task<List<Voedsel>> GetFoodListAsync(int offset, int number)
String apikey = "";
String url = string.Format("https://api.nal.usda.gov/ndb/list?format=json<=f&sort=id&api_key={0}&offset={1}&max={2}", apikey, offset, number);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
String result = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
JObject fullObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(result);
JToken data = fullObject.SelectToken("list.item");
return data.ToObject<List<Voedsel>>();
catch (Exception ex)
{ throw ex; }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<StackLayout Margin="16">
<Label Text="Choose a food" FontSize="Large" TextColor="Gray" />
<!-- lijst van voedingsmiddelen (naam) -->
<ListView x:Name="lvwFoods" ItemSelected="lvwFoods_ItemSelected" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" />
<!-- knop die bij elke klik een aantal records extra toevoegt aan lvwFoods -->
<Button x:Name="btnLoad" Clicked="btnLoad_Clicked" Text="load more..." />