import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import basinhopping
d = [1,2,3,4]
cols = len(d)
def simple_exp_smooth(inputs):
ini,alpha = inputs
f = np.full(cols,np.nan)
f[0] = ini
for t in range(1,cols):
f[t] = alpha*d[t-1]+(1-alpha)*f[t-1]
error = sum(abs(f[1:] - d[1:]))
return error
func = simple_exp_smooth
bounds = np.array([(0,4),(0.0, 1.0)])
x0 = (1,0.1)
res = basinhopping(func, x0, minimizer_kwargs={'bounds': bounds},stepsize=0.1,niter=45)
def simple(inputs):
a0,alpha = inputs
a = np.full([rows,cols],np.nan)
a[:,0] = a0
for t in range(1,cols):
a[:,t] = alpha*d[:,t]+(1-alpha)*a[:,t-1]
MAE = abs(d - a).mean(axis=1)/d.mean(axis=1)
return sum(MAE)
d = np.array([[1,2,3,4],
rows, cols = d.shape
a0_bound = np.vstack((d.min(axis=1),d.max(axis=1))).T
a0_ini = d.mean(axis=1)
bounds = ([a0_bound,(0.0, 1.0)])
x0 = (a0_ini,0.2)
res = basinhopping(simple, x0, minimizer_kwargs={'bounds': bounds},stepsize=0.1)
bounds = [(None if l == -np.inf else l, None if u == np.inf else u) for l, u in bounds]
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()