
时间:2019-02-18 16:36:37

标签: c# winforms linq boolean observablecollection

我的WinForm(Visual Studio 2017)有问题。

在我想给您所有细节之前,我想一切可以让我们所有人受益。我只会发布我认为与问题相关的详细信息,因此,如果您认为我错过了某些信息,请随时告诉我。也请问我是否没有正确解释某些部分。 我用DataTableReader.GetSchemaTable方法来做事情,如果那真的很重要的话。

我希望列表的元素显示在Textbox中,然后将其复制到文本文件ecc ecc中。在Textbox上方,我制作了一个DataGrid,在其中您可以看到NameField,并且有一个名为“ Able”的复选框,用于确定是否要在{中显示(选中)这些字段{1}}是否位于下面(未选中)。

首先,我创建了一个类,在该类中设置集合中所需的属性,例如Name和条件“ Able”。我默认将其设置为true(此处未显示),因此对于所有TextboxNameField中的勾均已选中。这意味着它们将显示在下面的DataGridView中,准备进行“文件文本化”。


然后在另一个类中,我创建了一个Observable集合,其中将填充上面创建的public class Info { public string NameField {get; set;} public bool Able {get; set;} } (使用NameField中的函数Fill,在此不再显示)



public class Do {
    public ObservableCollection<Info> Projects = new ObservableCollection<Info>();

现在我需要的是,同一集合中所有不以这些字母开头的元素都将禁用对Able的检查。因此,这意味着var change = Projects.OrderByDescending(c => c.NameField.StartsWith("OS")).ToList(); Projects.Clear(); foreach (Info aInfo in change) { Projects.Add(aInfo); } 的“ Able”下的勾号将被取消选中,并且精确的DataGrid不会出现在NameField中。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这里是关于如何对集合进行排序的建议,以便以 您的排序/搜索条件列在顶部,因此元素中的所有.Able字段 满足排序/搜索条件的设置为true,其余设置为false。

代码清单包括Info对象的类,该类具有用于对集合进行排序和更新的方法。最后是一个带有测试所有类工作方法的类。 我希望下面的代码有足够的注释以使其易于解释。

using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace TestSpace
    public class Info //Your original class for the project info objects.
        public string NameField { get; set; }
        public bool Able { get; set; }

    public class ProjectSorter  //COMMENT: Renamed your "Do" class to "ProjectSorter" since it seems more understandable.
        // COMMENT:
        // In this proposed solution the SortProjects method is changed so that it now takes two parameters.        
        // The parameters are the project collection to be sorted, and the sort/search criteria.The procject  
        // collection to be sorterd is sent by ref so that any changes to it is reflected back to the caller.
        // (See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/ref for more
        // information on passing objects by ref.)

        public void SortProjects(ref ObservableCollection<Info> projectCollectionToSort, string sortCriteria)
            // As allready solved this will sort the collection based on the sort criteria into a new list.
            var updatedProjectList =
            projectCollectionToSort.OrderByDescending(c => c.NameField.StartsWith(sortCriteria)).ToList();

            // Using the list's .ForeEach method we iterate through the new list and uses a lambda expression
            // to set .Able to true or false based on the sort/search criteria.
            updatedProjectList.ForEach(c => {
                if (c.NameField.StartsWith(sortCriteria)) { c.Able = true; } else { c.Able = false; }

            // We then reset our collection to a new ObservableCollection<Info> and fills it with the new 
            // sorted and updated list.
            projectCollectionToSort = new ObservableCollection<Info>(updatedProjectList);

            // Work done.

    public static class TestTheCode
        // Method to test the ProjectSorter.SortProjects() method.
        public static void RunSortCollectionTest()
            ProjectSorter projectSorter = new ProjectSorter();

            // Just for the purpose of this example an example collection is populated
            // here with some data to work with.
            // As you describe for your list the default value for Able is set to true.
            ObservableCollection<Info> projects = new ObservableCollection<Info>()
                new Info { NameField="PER", Able = true},
                new Info { NameField="ALEX", Able = true},
                new Info { NameField="OSCAR", Able = true},
                new Info { NameField="ANDY", Able = true}

            // We sort the collection "projects" by sending it by ref to the projectSorter.SortProjects()
            // method, together with the sort/search criteria.
            projectSorter.SortProjects(ref projects, "OS");

            // To display that the collection "projects" are now sorted as intended, and that all the
            // .Able fields are satt correctly true or false, we iterate through the projects collection 
            // and print the values for NameField and Able to the Output window (debug).
            foreach (Info aInfo in projects)
                Debug.Print(aInfo.NameField + "  -->  " + aInfo.Able);
