答案 0 :(得分:1)
public static IForm<MyClass> BuildForm()
var fieldNames = new[] { nameof(FirstName), nameof(MiddleName), nameof(LastName) };
var confirmation = new StringBuilder("Is this your selection?");
var formBuilder = new FormBuilder<MyClass>();
foreach (var name in fieldNames)
// Add the field to the form
// Add the field to the confirmation prompt unless it's MiddleName
if (name != nameof(MiddleName))
confirmation.AppendLine().Append($"* {{&{name}}}: {{{name}}}");
formBuilder.Confirm(new PromptAttribute(confirmation.ToString()) {
FieldCase = CaseNormalization.None
return formBuilder.Build();
public static IForm<MyClass> BuildForm()
var formBuilder = new FormBuilder<MyClass>()
.Confirm(new PromptAttribute("Is this your selection?\n* {&FirstName}: {FirstName}\n* {&LastName}: {LastName}") { FieldCase = CaseNormalization.None })
return formBuilder.Build();
请注意,这使用了pattern language。
public string MiddleName { get; set; }
public static IForm<MyClass> BuildForm()
NextDelegate<MyClass> next = (value, state) =>
// Make sure MiddleName is active during most steps
state._isMiddleNameActive = true;
return new NextStep();
var formBuilder = new FormBuilder<MyClass>()
.Field(new FieldReflector<MyClass>(nameof(FirstName)).SetNext(next))
.Field(new FieldReflector<MyClass>(nameof(MiddleName)).SetNext(next)
.SetActive(state => state._isMiddleNameActive))
.Field(new FieldReflector<MyClass>(nameof(LastName)).SetNext(next))
formBuilder.Confirm(async state =>
// Make sure MiddleName is inactive during the confirmation step
state._isMiddleNameActive = false;
// Return the default confirmation prompt
return new PromptAttribute(
return formBuilder.Build();
// This private field isn't included in the form but is accessible via the form's state
private bool _isMiddleNameActive;
您可以使用custom prompter。这有点先进,但可以为您提供最大的控制权。
public static IForm<MyClass> BuildForm()
var formBuilder = new FormBuilder<MyClass>()
return formBuilder.Build();
/// <summary>
/// Here is the method we're using for the PromptAsyncDelgate.
/// </summary>
private static async Task<FormPrompt> PromptAsync(IDialogContext context,
FormPrompt prompt, MyClass state, IField<MyClass> field)
var preamble = context.MakeMessage();
var promptMessage = context.MakeMessage();
// Check to see if the form is on the confirmation step
if (field.Name.StartsWith("confirmation"))
// If it's on the confirmation step,
// we want to remove the MiddleName line from the text
var lines = prompt.Prompt.Split('\n').ToList();
var middleNameField = field.Form.Fields.Field(nameof(MiddleName));
var format = new Prompter<MyClass>(
middleNameField.Template(TemplateUsage.StatusFormat), field.Form, null);
var middleNameLine = "* " + format.Prompt(state, middleNameField).Prompt;
lines.RemoveAll(line => line.StartsWith(middleNameLine));
prompt.Prompt = string.Join("\n", lines);
if (prompt.GenerateMessages(preamble, promptMessage))
await context.PostAsync(preamble);
await context.PostAsync(promptMessage);
return prompt;