
时间:2019-02-18 14:26:52

标签: javascript php task-parallel-library

一个小组希望我在以PHP(HYIP)运行的站点上的注册页面上工作。抱怨用户单击“注册”按钮后没有重定向到成功页面。但是当我要求他向我发送源代码时,已经给了我* .tpl文件,而我期望有一个* .php文件。......我现在需要修复此问题,但实际上不知道在哪里或如何发现错误。



<form method=post onsubmit="return checkform()" name="regform">
<input type=hidden name=a value="signup">
<input type=hidden name=action value="signup">
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
 <td>Your Full Name:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=fullname value="{$frm.fullname|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
</tr>.......<td><input type=submit value="Register" class=sbmt></td>


<script language=javascript>
 function checkform() {
  if (document.regform.fullname.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your full name!");
    return false;
 {if $settings.use_user_location == 1}
  if (document.regform.address.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your address!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.city.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your city!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.country.options[document.regform.country.selectedIndex].text == '--SELECT--') {
    alert("Please choose your country!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.username.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your username!");
    return false;
  if (!document.regform.username.value.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$/)) {
    alert("For username you should use English letters and digits only!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.password.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your password!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.password.value != document.regform.password2.value) {
    alert("Please check your password!");
    return false;
 {if $settings.use_transaction_code}
  if (document.regform.transaction_code.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your transaction code!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.transaction_code.value != document.regform.transaction_code2.value) {
    alert("Please check your transaction code!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.email.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your e-mail address!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.email.value != document.regform.email1.value) {
    alert("Please retupe your e-mail!");
    return false;

  if (document.regform.agree.checked == false) {
    alert("You have to agree with the Terms and Conditions!");
    return false;

  return true;

 function IsNumeric(sText) {
  var ValidChars = "0123456789";
  var IsNumber=true;
  var Char;
  if (sText == '') return false;
  for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { 
    Char = sText.charAt(i); 
    if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) {
      IsNumber = false;
  return IsNumber;


<section class="wrapper">
            <div class="main_content">
                <div class="container">
<h3>Register Account</h3>
<div class="separate"><span></span></div>
{if $deny_registration}
 We are closed for new registrations now.
{elseif $settings.use_referal_program && $settings.force_upline && !$referer && !$settings.get_rand_ref}
 You  do not have a upline. Our system require a upline for each user.

 <script language=javascript>
 function checkform() {
  if (document.regform.fullname.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your full name!");
    return false;
 {if $settings.use_user_location == 1}
  if (document.regform.address.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your address!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.city.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your city!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.country.options[document.regform.country.selectedIndex].text == '--SELECT--') {
    alert("Please choose your country!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.username.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your username!");
    return false;
  if (!document.regform.username.value.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+$/)) {
    alert("For username you should use English letters and digits only!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.password.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your password!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.password.value != document.regform.password2.value) {
    alert("Please check your password!");
    return false;
 {if $settings.use_transaction_code}
  if (document.regform.transaction_code.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your transaction code!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.transaction_code.value != document.regform.transaction_code2.value) {
    alert("Please check your transaction code!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.email.value == '') {
    alert("Please enter your e-mail address!");
    return false;
  if (document.regform.email.value != document.regform.email1.value) {
    alert("Please retupe your e-mail!");
    return false;

  if (document.regform.agree.checked == false) {
    alert("You have to agree with the Terms and Conditions!");
    return false;

  return true;

 function IsNumeric(sText) {
  var ValidChars = "0123456789";
  var IsNumber=true;
  var Char;
  if (sText == '') return false;
  for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { 
    Char = sText.charAt(i); 
    if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) {
      IsNumber = false;
  return IsNumber;

 {if $errors}
  <ul style="color:red">
  {section name=e loop=$errors} 
   {if $errors[e] eq 'full_name'}
    <li>Please enter your full name!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'address'}
    <li>Please enter your address!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'city'}
    <li>Please enter your city!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'state'}
    <li>Please enter your state!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'zip'}
    <li>Please enter your zip!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'country'}
    <li>Please choose your country!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'username'}
    <li>Please enter valid username! It should contains English letters and digits only.
   {if $errors[e] eq 'username_exists'}
    <li>Sorry, such user already exists! Please try another username. 
   {if $errors[e] eq 'email_exists'}
    <li>Sorry, such email already exists! Please try another email. 
   {if $errors[e] eq 'password'} 
    <li>Please enter a password!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'password_confirm'}
    <li>Please check your password!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'password_too_small'}
    <li>The password you provided is too small, please enter at least {$settings.min_user_password_length} characters!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'transaction_code'} 
    <li>Please enter the Transaction Code!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'transaction_code_confirm'} 
    <li>Please check your Transaction Code!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'transaction_code_too_small'}
    <li>The Transaction Code you provided is too small, please enter at least {$settings.min_user_password_length} characters!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'transaction_code_vs_password'} 
    <li>The Transaction Code should differ from the Password!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'egold'} 
    <li>Please enter your e-gold account number!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'invalid_perfectmoney_account'} 
    <li>Please enter USD PerfectMoney account number!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'email'} 
    <li>Please enter your e-mail!

   {if $errors[e] eq 'agree'}
    <li>You have to agree with the Terms and Conditions!
   {if $errors[e] eq 'turing_image'}
    <li>Enter the verification code as it is shown in the corresponding box.
   {if $errors[e] eq 'no_upline'}
    <li>The system requires an upline to register. {if $settings.get_rand_ref}You have to be agreed to random one or found a referral link in the net.{/if}
   {if $errors[e] eq 'ip_exists_in_database'}
    <li>Your IP already exists in our database. Sorry, but registration impossible.

<form method=post onsubmit="return checkform()" name="regform">
<input type=hidden name=a value="signup">
<input type=hidden name=action value="signup">
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0>
 <td>Your Full Name:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=fullname value="{$frm.fullname|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
{if $settings.use_user_location}
 <td>Your City:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=city value="{$frm.city|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>

 <td>Your Country:</td>
  <select name='country' class=inpts>
<option value=''>--SELECT--</option>
{section name=c loop=$countries}
<option {if $countries[c].name eq $frm.country}selected{/if}>{$countries[c].name|escape:"quotes"}</option>
 <td>Your Username:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=username value="{$frm.username|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Define Password:</td>
 <td><input type=password name=password value="{$frm.password|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Retype Password:</td>
 <td><input type=password name=password2 value="{$frm.password2|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
{if $settings.use_transaction_code}
 <td>Define Transaction Code:</td>
 <td><input type=password name=transaction_code value="{$frm.transaction_code|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Retype Transaction Code:</td>
 <td><input type=password name=transaction_code2 value="{$frm.transaction_code2|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
{foreach from=$pay_accounts item=ps}
 <td>Your {$ps.name} Account:</td>
 <td><input type=text class=inpts size=30 name=pay_account[{$ps.id}] value="{$ps.account|escape:html}" data-validate="{$ps.validate.func}" data-validate-{$ps.validate.func}="{$ps.validate[$ps.validate.func]}" data-validate-notice="{$ps.validate.notification|escape:html}" placeholder="{$ps.validate.placeholder|escape:html}"></td>
{foreach item=p from=$mpay_accounts}
{foreach item=ps from=$p.accounts}
 <td>Your {$p.name} {$ps.name}:</td>
 <td><input type=text class=inpts size=30 name="pay_account[{$p.id}][{$ps.name|escape:html}]" value="{$ps.value|escape:html}"></td>
 <td>Your E-mail Address:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=email value="{$frm.email|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Retype Your E-mail:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=email1 value="{$frm.email1|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Secret question:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=sq value="{$frm.sq|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>
 <td>Secret answer:</td>
 <td><input type=text name=sa value="{$frm.sa|escape:"quotes"}" class=inpts size=30></td>

{if $settings.use_referal_program}
{if $referer}
 <td>Your Upline:</td>
 <td>{*<a href="mailto:{$referer.email}">*}{$referer.name}{*</a>*} ({$referer.username})</td>
{if $settings.force_upline}
 {if $settings.get_rand_ref}
   <td colspan=2>
    You do not have an upline. Our system requires an upline for each user. You'll have to agree to get a random one or find a referral link on the net.
    <input type=checkbox name="rand_ref" value=1>
   <td colspan=2>
    You do not have an upline. Our system requires an upline for each user.

 <td colspan=2><input type=checkbox name=agree value=1 {if $frm.agree}checked{/if} > I agree with <a href="{"?a=rules"|encurl}">Terms and conditions</a></td>
{if $ti.check.signup}
 <td class=menutxt align=right><img src="{"?a=show_validation_image&`$ti.session.name`=`$ti.session.id`&rand=`$ti.session.rand`"|encurl}"></td>
 <td><input type=text name=validation_number class=inpts size=15></td>
 <td><input type=submit value="Register" class=sbmt></td>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您需要将正确的action放入表单中,或者这是框架的后端问题,告诉前端重定向到不存在的页面。乍一看,您的代码看起来不错,并且很显然,它提交了表单,因为,按一下按钮确实会尝试将您带到某处。仅仅说“未找到404”还不够,因为您没有告诉我们哪个文件为您提供了404 ,但是基于我所看到的,这就是我能为您做的最好的此刻