
时间:2019-02-18 13:50:23

标签: javascript jquery filter filtering

同时知道如何创建基于计数的变量列表(请参见Create dynamic variable names based on count result)。


  .filter(function( index ) {
  return $(this).data("sample1") == samplevariable1 &&
         $(this).data("muster1") == mustervariable1;
}).css( "border", "3px double red" );




JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/SchweizerSchoggi/30od7vf8/58/

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


在以下基于your provided fiddle的解决方案中,您将找到:

  • 生成器功能,该函数用连续的数字填充两个数组(最多生成N个值)。请参见对相应问题Create dynamic variable names based on count result
  • 的回答数组方法
  • 修改功能,用于模拟先前生成的值的某些更改(因为您所说的脚本中可能会发生这种情况)
  • 一个过滤并突出显示功能,该功能使用 jQuery (用于具有“ item”类的DIV元素)选择HTML元素,并根据匹配的DATA对其进行过滤-带有相应的数组元素。过滤后的HTML元素将使用指定的CSS边框突出显示。


  • JS中的数组通常以0(第一个元素)开始到N(其中数组有N + 1个元素)结束索引。
  • HTML的DIV元素(即data-sample1data-muster1)中的
  • 您的数据属性从1开始索引。因此,该解决方案定义了一个特殊的index-variable :let divIndex = i+1;

/* N: used to generate N initial values as arrays */
const SEGMENT_COUNT = 2;
/* contains two dynamically generated arrays */
var generatedData = {elementsCount: 0, sample: [], muster: []};

/* Generate dynamic variables:
Creates two arrays named 'sample' and 
muster' inside sampleMusterArrays. These arrays are each filled with elementsCount elements (so that elements can be index from 0 to elementsCount-1 ). */
function generateValues(sampleMusterArrays, elementsCount) {
  for (let i = 0; i < elementsCount; i++) {
    sampleMusterArrays.sample[i] = i+1;
    sampleMusterArrays.muster[i] = i+1;
  sampleMusterArrays.elementsCount = elementsCount;

function modifyGeneratedValues() {
  // modify FIRST value in sample-array
  generatedData.sample[0] = '2';
  // modify SECOND value in sample-array
  generatedData.sample[1] = 'x';
  // modify FIRST value in muster-array
  generatedData.muster[0] = '3';
  // modify SECOND value in muster-array
  generatedData.muster[1] = 'x';

/* filter DIVs with class "item" based on matching sampleMusterArrays to corresponding data-values */
function highlightFilteredDivItems(sampleMusterArrays) {

  $( "div.item" )
    .filter(function( index ) {
      let foundMatch = false;
      for (var i=0; i < sampleMusterArrays.elementsCount; i++) {
        let divIndex = i+1;
        foundMatch = foundMatch ||
             $(this).data("sample"+divIndex) == sampleMusterArrays.sample[i] &&
             $(this).data("muster"+divIndex) == sampleMusterArrays.muster[i];
     } // end for-loop
     return foundMatch;
    }).css( "border", "3px double red" );

/* MAIN */

// generate data
generateValues(generatedData, SEGMENT_COUNT);
console.log("--- generated values: ", generatedData);

/* do other stuff in between              */
/* e.g. arbitratily modify generated data */
console.log("--- modified generated values: ", generatedData);

// only the first Div should be marked
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="item" data-sample1="2" data-muster1="3">Div 1</div>
<div class="item" data-sample1="3" data-muster1="3">Div 2</div>
<div class="item" data-sample1="4" data-muster1="3">Div 3</div>