
时间:2019-02-18 11:29:18

标签: python python-3.x csv dictionary text



import csv
import time

#OLD! Import the keywords
f = open('country names.txt', 'r')
allKeywords = f.read().lower().split("\n")

#CHANGED! Import the 'Details' column from the CSV file
allTexts = []
fullRow = []
with open('Detail_file.csv') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    for row in reader:
        #the full row for each entry, which will be used to recreate the improved CSV file in a moment
        fullRow.append((row['sr. no.'], row['Details'], row['LOC']))

        #the column we want to parse for our keywords
        row = row['Details'].lower()

#NEW! a flag used to keep track of which row is being printed to the CSV file   
counter = 0

#NEW! use the current date and time to create a unique output filename
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-(%H-%M-%S)")
filename = 'output-' + str(timestr) + '.csv'

#NEW! Open the new output CSV file to append ('a') rows one at a time.
with open(filename, 'a') as csvfile:

    #NEW! define the column headers and write them to the new file
    fieldnames = ['sr. no.', 'Details', 'LOC', 'Placename']
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    #NEW! define the output for each row and then print to the output csv file
    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)

    #OLD! this is the same as before, for currentRow in fullRow:
    for entry in allTexts:

        matches = 0
        storedMatches = []

        #for each entry:
        allWords = entry.split(' ')
        for words in allWords:

            #if a keyword match is found, store the result.
            if words in allKeywords:
                if words in storedMatches:
                matches += 1

        #CHANGED! send any matches to a new row of the csv file.
        if matches == 0:
            newRow = fullRow[counter]
            matchTuple = tuple(storedMatches)
            newRow = fullRow[counter] + matchTuple

        #NEW! write the result of each row to the csv file
        counter += 1

它工作正常,输出为 enter image description here


如果我的词典中的任何关键字包含的词数超过1个,例如新西兰,南非等地不匹配且不计数,因此我有这个问题,因为上面的代码正在逐字匹配,因此,如果我的字典中的任何关键字包含的词多于1个单词(如conatins 2、3),该如何解决此问题,4,..字。 以及我们将在上面的代码中添加解决方案代码的位置。

我想到一个逻辑 如果任何关键字包含一个以上的单词,则在搜索过程中,如果该特定关键字的ist单词匹配,则根据匹配的关键字,从搜索文本中检查下一个单词,如果匹配,则继续,否则继续下一个关键字。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

嗯,要掌握要做什么并不容易。而且我不确定您了解什么是CSV文件。尝试在编辑Python脚本的同一编辑器( Excel)中打开它。


import csv
import time

with open('country names.txt', 'r') as f:
    all_keywords = list(line.lower().rstrip("\n") for line in f)

with open('Detail_file.csv', newline='') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    full_rows = [(row['sr. no.'], row['Details'], row['LOC']) for row in reader]

time_string = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-(%H-%M-%S)")
filename = 'output-' + time_string + '.csv'

with open(filename, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:

    writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
    writer.writerow(['sr. no.', 'Details', 'LOC', 'Placename'])

    for input_row in full_rows:
        stored_matches_unique = set(x for x in all_keywords if x in input_row[1].lower())
        stored_matches = list(stored_matches_unique)
        new_row = input_row + stored_matches