from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import MySQLdb
def pesqAbrev(self):
varIdPolo = self.edtNroPolo.text()
con = MySQLdb.connect(host="", user="root", passwd="",
charset='utf8', db="siscomedb")
c = con.cursor()
c.execute("select abEscola from tblescolas where codPolo=%s", (varIdPolo))
d = c.fetchall()
#Here it counts how many occurrences there are in the select.
c.execute("select count(abEscola) from tblescolas where codPolo=%s", (varIdPolo))
tot = c.fetchall()
t = "%d" % (tot[0])
result = int(t)
#List with 20 QLineEdt. I want to fill only the number that returns in the second select.
varList = [self.edtAbrev_1,self.edtAbrev_2,self.edtAbrev_3,...20]
#Here it fills all 20 QLineEdits and only comma the first occurrence of select.
row = [item[0] for item in dados]
for edt in varList: