tl; dr
尽管我已经看到 matchMedia()。matches 总是返回正确的值,但是它返回的是布尔值,而不是宽度值。到目前为止,我还没有看到解决方案(也许有些人知道更好的解决方案?),所以我想出了一个使用matchMedia的解决方案。
我创建了一个函数 getCorrectDimension ,该函数在窗口innerWidth(或Height)周围执行BinarySearch,以查找正确的值(如果其值错误),如下所示:
const binarySearch = dim => function bin(start, end) {
const guess = Math.floor((start + end)/2)
// this checks if we have the correct value, if not it will keep calling itself until there's a match
if(window.matchMedia(`(${dim}: ${guess}px)`).matches) {
return guess
// since it is not a match, then we need to recalibrate the range and call again.
// for that we check the boolean value using with min-width (height) rule.
return window.matchMedia(`(min-${dim}: ${guess}px)`).matches
? bin(guess, end)
: bin(start, guess)
const getCorrectDimension = (dim = 'width', range = 300) => {
if(dim !== 'width' && dim !== 'height') {
throw Error('`getCorrectDimension` accepts "width" or "height" as parameter')
let prop = 'inner' + dim.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + dim.slice(1)
// here checks if the window.innerWidth or Height it's the correct one
if(window.matchMedia(`(${dim}: ${window[prop]}px)`).matches) {
return window[prop]
// here, since the value is wrong we use binarySearch to find its correct value
const start = window[prop] - range >= 0 ? window[prop] - range : 0
const end = window[prop] + range
return binarySearch(dim)(start, end)