// This code idea came from the posting here:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19175174/
// I tested this on 3 versions and it works the first time on all.
// if you hold down the 'shift' key and hit the reload' button
// (which bypasses the cache and forces a FULL reload),
// it will work on successive invocations.
// However, it just hit the 'reload' button, it fails...it locks up.
// I see this same behavior on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
// (Mysteriously, it seems to work fine on Edge)
// For various release choices, see:
// https://github.com/videojs/video.js/releases
// (I tested this on v5.11.9 v6.8.0 and 7.4.1 )
// global or parent scope of handlers:
var videoElem = document.getElementById("videoID");
var i = 0;
videoElem.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() {
//console.log("loadeddata entered");
this.currentTime = i;
function generateThumbnail(i) {
//console.log("generateThumbnail entered");
//generate thumbnail URL data
// (This next line was missing...I added it)
var thecanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var context = thecanvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(videoElem, 0, 0, 110, 76);
var dataURL = thecanvas.toDataURL();
//create image
var imgElem = document.createElement('img');
imgElem.setAttribute('src', dataURL);
//append img in container div
// This "SEEKED" event seems to be what is mis-behaving :
videoElem.addEventListener('seeked', function() {
// now video has seeked and current frames will show
// at the time as we expect
// when frame is captured increase here by 10 seconds
i += 10;
// if we are not passed end, seek to next interval
if (i <= this.duration) {
// this will trigger another seeked event
this.currentTime = i;
else {
// Done!, next action
<video id="videoID" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play vjs-big-play-centered"
data-setup='{"playbackRates": [1, 2, 3, 4] }' oncontextmenu="return false;" controls>
<source src="Sintel---2minutes.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<b style="color:Red">Whoops. Sorry...your browser does not support the html5 'video' tag.</b><br />
<!--video id="videoID" controls>
<source src="Sintel---2minutes.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<b style="color:Red">Whoops. Sorry...your browser does not support the html5 'video' tag.</b><br />
<p>These are the resulting images:</p>
<ol id="thumbnailContainerID"></ol> <!-- an ORDERED LIST -->
=========================== 但是,如果您注释掉引用video-js的视频标签, 取消注释下面的通用视频标签,您会发现JS 每次您按下浏览器重新加载按钮时都可以使用。
支持此主张。我在这里另外提供了三个帖子, 似乎密切相关,即:
Capture frames from video with HTML5 and JavaScript (尤其是查看用户“ Michael”的评论)