
时间:2019-02-15 19:54:34

标签: ruby-on-rails rspec rspec-rails shoulda



before_validation :sanitize_inputs
validates :storage_id, uniqueness: { scope: :epoch }
validates :epoch, presence: true
validates :epoch, format: /\A20[0-9]{2}-(spring|autumn)\Z/
def sanitize_inputs


it { is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:storage_id).ignoring_case_sensitivity.scoped_to(:epoch) }


Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:storage_id).ignoring_case_sensitivity.scoped_to(:epoch) }              

       Expected SeasonStorage to validate that :storage_id is unique within the                                                        
       scope of :epoch, but this could not be proved.
         After taking the given SeasonStorage, setting its :storage_id to                                                              
         ‹"dummy value"›, and saving it as the existing record, then making a                                                          
         new SeasonStorage and setting its :storage_id to ‹"dummy value"› (read                                                        
         back as ‹"DUMMY VALUE"›) as well e its :epoch to a different value,                                                           
         ‹nil›, the matcher expected the new SeasonStorage to be invalid, but                                                          
         it was valid instead.

         As indicated in the message above, :storage_id seems to be changing                                                           
         certain values as they are set, and this could have something to do                                                           
         with why this test is failing. If you or something else has overridden                                                        
         the writer method for this attribute to normalize values by changing                                                          
         their case in any way (for instance, ensuring that the attribute is                                                           
         always downcased), then try adding `ignoring_case_sensitivity` onto                                                           
         the end of the uniqueness matcher. Otherwise, you may need to write                                                           
         the test yourself, or do something different altogether.


as well e its :epoch to a different value,                                                           
‹nil›, the matcher expected the new SeasonStorage to be invalid, but                                                          
it was valid instead




  • 该消息说它对两个记录使用相同的值“虚拟值”,并且作用域不同,并且应该无效,而我认为它应该完全有效。
  • 在使用其他范围时,它使用的是无效范围(不接受nil),但消息显示所保存的记录是有效的。

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