
时间:2019-02-15 09:30:39

标签: excel vba




功能下方: 以这种方式调用=TEST(val;rng) |产生#value!

Function TEST(val As String, rng As Range) As String
    Dim a, b As String
    Dim cel, itm, tst, s As Range
    Dim row, l, i As Integer
    a = ""
    b = ""
    val = "ROX.RFL.avi.Rmd.ice"
    Set rng = Range(Sheets("DGR").Cells(3, 3), Cells(3, 34))
    For Each cel In rng.Cells
        If InStr(UCase(val), UCase(cel)) Then
            a = a & UCase(cel) & ","
            row = Sheets("DGR").Cells(Rows.Count, cel.Column).End(xlUp).row
            If row <> 3 Then
                For Each itm In Range(Sheets("DGR").Cells(4, cel.Column), Cells(row, cel.Column))
                    b = b & UCase(itm) & ","
                Next itm
            End If
        End If
    Next cel
    For Each tst In Split(a, ",")
        If InStr(b, tst) > 0 Then TEST = tst
    Next tst
End Function


    Dim val, a, b As String
    Dim rng, cel, itm, tst, s As Range
    Dim row, l, i As Integer
    a = ""
    b = ""
    val = "ROX.RFL.avi.Rmd.ice"
    Set rng = Range(Sheets("DGR").Cells(3, 3), Cells(3, 34))
    For Each cel In rng.Cells
        If InStr(UCase(val), UCase(cel)) Then
            a = a & UCase(cel) & ","
            row = Sheets("DGR").Cells(Rows.Count, cel.Column).End(xlUp).row
            If row <> 3 Then
                For Each itm In Range(Sheets("DGR").Cells(4, cel.Column), Cells(row, cel.Column))
                    b = b & UCase(itm) & ","
                Next itm
            End If
        End If
    Next cel
    For Each tst In Split(a, ",")
        If InStr(b, tst) > 0 Then Debug.Print tst
    Next tst
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


  1. Val是VBA中的保留字。避免使用它。使用不是保留字的内容。例如inptS
  2. 与Vb.Net不同,在VBA中,当您声明变量时,必须显式声明每个变量。否则,它们被声明为Variant
  3. 在Excel中处理行时,请使用Long而不是Integer,否则可能会出现溢出错误
  4. 使用错误处理。这样,代码将不会崩溃并优雅地完成执行,还可以让您知道问题所在。
  5. 在代码中使用行号,以便您可以使用Erl获取导致错误的行。获取MZTools Ver 3。它是免费
  6. 完全限定您的对象。例如,如果您不限定范围对象,则范围对象将引用Activesheet,而Activesheet可能不是您认为合适的表。



Option Explicit

Function TEST(inptS As String, rng As Range) As String
          Dim a As String, b As String
          Dim cel As Range, itm As Range
          Dim tst As Variant
          Dim row As Long, l As Long, i As Long

          '~~> Use error handling
10            On Error GoTo Whoa

          '~~> Fully qualify your range objects
20            With Sheets("DGR")
30                For Each cel In rng.Cells
40                    If InStr(UCase(inptS), UCase(cel)) Then
50                        a = a & UCase(cel) & ","
60                        row = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cel.Column).End(xlUp).row

70                        If row <> 3 Then
80                            For Each itm In .Range(.Cells(4, cel.Column), .Cells(row, cel.Column))
90                                b = b & UCase(itm) & ","
100                           Next itm
110                       End If
120                   End If
130               Next cel
140           End With

150           For Each tst In Split(a, ",")
160               If InStr(b, tst) > 0 Then
170                   If TEST = "" Then
180                       TEST = tst
190                   Else
200                       TEST = TEST & vbNewLine & tst
210                   End If
220               End If
230           Next tst

240           Exit Function
250           TEST = "Unable to calculate value (" & _
          Err.Description & _
          ", Error in line " & Erl & ")"
End Function