MySQL 5.5.47表将自身从MyISAM切换到InnoDB

时间:2019-02-15 00:06:43

标签: php mysql innodb myisam

我正在使用一个拥有十年历史的网站,该网站托管具有搜索功能的数据库。我的搜索功能存在问题,因为它会返回以下错误:使用的表类型不支持FULLTEXT索引。我快速搜索认为该表使用了错误的引擎类型,并将其从InnoDB切换到MyISAM。搜索功能然后完美地工作。但是,片刻之后,搜索功能停止工作。该表已还原回InnoDB。我仔细查看了该站点上的代码,似乎有一个名为KT_MXSearch.class.php的页面似乎循环运行,即DROP / CREATE和用于存储潜在结果的表src_cache_cah。我试图使代码停止从MyISAM改回。我是PHP的菜鸟,这有点不知所措,所以我希望这里的人能够为您提供帮助。该数据库在MySQL 5.5.47-Maria DB上运行,我们无法升级版本。谢谢阅读。这是代码:

class KT_MXSearch{
    var $connection; //connection name
    var $databaseType; //database type
    var $searchName; //name of the class
    var $tmpTable; //name of the temporary table storing last cache update
    var $refreshCacheDelay;
    var $cacheTable; //name of the cache table storing all site search content
    var $searchType; //type of search (fulltext || normal)
    var $searchColumns; //array with the names of the searched columns
    var $whereCondition; //where condition in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $orderBy; //order by statement in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $searchFor=''; //aditional columns in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $tables;
    var $totalRows;
    var $importanceArray = array(1=>5,2=>10,3=>25,4=>50,5=>100);
    var $sql = array(
        'create_cache' => "CREATE TABLE %s (
                        title_cah varchar (100) NOT NULL, 
                        shortdesc_cah text NOT NULL, 
                        col1_cah text NULL, 
                        col2_cah text NULL, 
                        col3_cah text NULL, 
                        col4_cah text NULL, 
                        col5_cah text NULL, 
                        importance_cah INT NOT NULL, 
                        url_cah varchar (255) NOT NULL);",
        'select' => "SELECT `%s` as title_cah, `%s` as shortdesc_cah, `%s` as url_cah, %s as importance_cah",                       
        'MySQL' => array(
            'like' => "LIKE",   
            'fulltext_where' => array(
                        'fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s') >0 ",
                        'boolean fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE) >0 "
            'fulltext_order' => array(
                        'fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s') * %s",
                        'boolean fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE) * %s"

    // FUNCTION:
    //   KT_MXSearch
    //   KT_MXSearch constructor
    //   searchName - Name of the object
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function KT_MXSearch() {

    // FUNCTION:
    //   setConnection
    //   Sets the connection and the connection type (database type)
    //   connection - connection name
    //   databaseType - database type
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function setConnection(&$connection , $databaseType) {
        $this->connection = $connection;
        $this->databaseType = $databaseType;

    function setCache($cacheTable, $refreshCacheDelay) {
        $this->cacheTable = $cacheTable;
        $this->refreshCacheDelay = $refreshCacheDelay*60;

    function setTempTable($tmpTable) {
        $this->tmpTable = $tmpTable;

    function setTables($config) {
        $this->tables = $config->Tables;
    function setSearchType($searchType) {
        $this->searchType = $searchType;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   checkTableExists()
    //   Verifies the existence of a table in the database
    //   tableName - name of the table
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false

    function checkTableExists($tableName){
        //check if table exists
        $KT_sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";
        $testRecord = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   createTmpTable
    //   Creates the table that holds the cache refresh information
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function createTmpTable(){
        //create settings table
        $KT_sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->tmpTable."(
                                lastupd_tmp TEXT NOT NULL                               
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());                              
        //insert record

    // FUNCTION:
    //   updateTmpTable
    //   Updates the table that holds the cache refresh information
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false

    function updateTmpTable(){
        $now = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
        $KT_sql = "update ".$this->tmpTable." SET lastupd_tmp = '$now'";
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        return true;

    function initTmpTable() {
        $KT_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->tmpTable." (lastupd_tmp) VALUES('1970/01/01 00:00:00')  ;";
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());                              
    // FUNCTION:
    //   checkCacheExpired
    //   Checks if the cache has expired
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false

    function checkCacheExpired() {
        $KT_sql = "select lastupd_tmp from ".$this->tmpTable;
        $mxs_result = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $row_mxs_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($mxs_result);
        if ($row_mxs_result['lastupd_tmp']) {
            $date = $row_mxs_result['lastupd_tmp'];
            if (strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s")) - strtotime($date) > $this->refreshCacheDelay) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   createCacheTable
    //   Creates the cache table
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function createFulltextIndex($dbType) {
        if ($dbType=="MySQL") {
            for ($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) {
                $KT_sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$this->cacheTable.'` DROP INDEX `idx_description`'.$i;
                mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
                $KT_sql = 'create fulltext index idx_description'.$i.' on '.$this->cacheTable.' (col'.$i.'_cah);';
                mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()."<br>Please check that your database supports fulltext search");

    function createCacheTable() {
        $KT_sql = "drop table ".$this->cacheTable;
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
        $KT_sql = sprintf($this->sql['create_cache'], $this->cacheTable);
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());

        if ($this->searchType=='fulltext') {


    // FUNCTION:
    //   fillCacheTable
    //   Fills the cache table
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function fillCacheTable() {

        if (is_array($this->tables)){
        foreach($this->tables as $tableKey => $crtTable){
            $columnsString = array();

            $KT_TableName = $tableKey;

            //for each column...

            if (is_array($crtTable['searchColumns'])){
                $tmpColumnArr = array();
                foreach($crtTable['searchColumns'] as $fieldKey => $fieldValue) {
                    $tmpColumnArr[$fieldValue][]    =   "`".$fieldKey."`";
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx])) {
                        $columnsString[$relIdx] = implode(",",$tmpColumnArr[$relIdx]);
                    } else {
                        unset ($columnsString[$relIdx]);


            }else {
                die('No search columns defined in table '.$KT_TableName.'!');
            //end columns

            //set the columns values    
            $cacheTile          = $crtTable['resultTitle'];
            $cacheDesc          = $crtTable['resultDesc'];          
            $cacheURL           = $crtTable['pageName'];
            $cacheImportance    = $crtTable['TableImportance'];
            if (isset($crtTable['AditionalCondition'])) {
                $cacheAditionalCond = $crtTable['AditionalCondition'];          
            } else {

            //compute result url parameters
            $paramValue = $crtTable['pageParam'];

            $KT_sql = sprintf($this->sql['select'], $cacheTile, $cacheDesc, $paramValue, $cacheImportance);
            for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                if (isset($columnsString[$relIdx])) {
                    $KT_sql .= ", ".$columnsString[$relIdx];    
            $KT_sql .= " FROM ".$KT_TableName;
            if (isset($cacheAditionalCond) && $cacheAditionalCond != '') {
                $KT_sql .= " WHERE $cacheAditionalCond ";

            $KT_results = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()."<br>".$KT_sql);
            $row_KT_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($KT_results);

            do {
                $cacheCol = array();
                $col_cah = array();
                $title_cah          = addslashes(strip_tags($row_KT_results['title_cah']));
                $shortdesc_cah      = addslashes(strip_tags($row_KT_results['shortdesc_cah']));
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx])) {
                        $cacheCol[$relIdx] = "";
                        for ($colIdx=0;$colIdx<count($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx]);$colIdx++) {
                            $cacheCol[$relIdx] .= "\r\n".$row_KT_results[str_replace("`", "", $tmpColumnArr[$relIdx][$colIdx])];
                $KT_colString = ''; $KT_valueString = '';
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($cacheCol[$relIdx])) {
                        $col_cah[$relIdx] = addslashes(strip_tags($cacheCol[$relIdx]));
                        $KT_colString .= ", col".$relIdx."_cah";
                        $KT_valueString .= ", '".$col_cah[$relIdx]."'";
                        if ($this->databaseType=="PostgreSQL" && $this->searchType=="fulltext") {
                            $KT_colString .= ", col".$relIdx."_vect_cah";
                            $KT_valueString .= ", to_tsvector('".$col_cah[$relIdx]."')";                
                    } else {
                        $col_cah[$relIdx] = "";
                $url_cah    = addslashes($cacheURL.$row_KT_results['url_cah']);
                $importance_cah = $this->importanceArray[$cacheImportance];
                $KT_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->cacheTable." (title_cah, shortdesc_cah".$KT_colString.", importance_cah, url_cah) values ('$title_cah', '$shortdesc_cah'".$KT_valueString.", $importance_cah, '$url_cah');";
                mysql_query($KT_sql) or die(mysql_error());
            } while ($row_KT_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($KT_results));

        }//foreach table
        }else {die('No search tables defined!');}

    function getRecordset($start = null, $max = null) {
        $kt_searchWhere = $this->getWhereCondition();
        $kt_searchOrder = $this->getOrderBy();
        $kt_columns = $this->getSearchColumns();
        $KT_sql = sprintf("SELECT * %s FROM %s WHERE %s ORDER BY %s", $kt_columns, $this->cacheTable, $kt_searchWhere, $kt_searchOrder);
        $KT_result = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $this->totalRows = mysql_num_rows($KT_result);
        if (isset($start) && isset($max)) {
            $KT_result = mysql_query($KT_sql." LIMIT ".$start.", ".$max, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        return $KT_result;

    function getTotalRows() {
        return $this->totalRows;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   refreshCache
    //   Checks if the cache is expired and refreshes the cache if necesary
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function refreshCache(){
        if (!$this->checkTableExists($this->tmpTable)){
        if ($this->checkCacheExpired()){

    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeAll
    //   Checks the type of the search and performs the right search
    //   searchFor - expression to search for
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function computeAll($searchFor){

        if ($this->searchType=='normal') {
        if ($this->searchType=='fulltext') {    
        if ($this->searchType=='boolean fulltext') {

    // FUNCTION:
    //   setSearchTerm
    //   Sets the expression to search for
    //   searchFor - the expression
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function setSearchTerm($searchFor){
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $keywords = @$_GET[$searchFor];
        } else {
            $keywords = addslashes(@$_GET[$searchFor]);
        $this->searchFor = stripslashes(strtolower($keywords));

    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeNormalSearch
    //   Computes the SQL for the normal search
    // RETURNS:

    function computeNormalSearch() {
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $like = $this->sql[$this->databaseType]['like'];
        if ($searchFor) {
            $searchCond = explode(" and ", $searchFor);
            for ($condIdx=0;$condIdx<count($searchCond);$condIdx++) {
                if ($searchCond[$condIdx]!='') {
                    if ($condIdx!=0) {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " AND (";
                    } else {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = str_replace(" or "," ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
                    $matches = array();
                    preg_match_all($expr, $searchCond[$condIdx], $matches);
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = preg_replace($expr, "", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    $searchWords = explode(" ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    if (is_array($matches[1])) {            
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {             
                            array_push($searchWords, $value);
                    $first = true;
                    for ($i=0;$i<count($searchWords);$i++) {
                        if ($searchWords[$i]!='') {
                            if (!$first) {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " OR (";
                            } else {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                            $first = false;
                            $this->whereCondition .= " col1_cah $like '%".addslashes($searchWords[$i])."%' ";
                            for ($relIdx=2; $relIdx <= 5; $relIdx++) {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " OR col".$relIdx."_cah $like '%".addslashes($searchWords[$i])."%' ";
                                if ($relIdx==5) $this->whereCondition .= ") ";
                    $this->whereCondition .= " ) ";
            $this->orderBy      .= " importance_cah DESC";
        } else {
            $this->whereCondition .= " 1=-1 ";
            $this->orderBy      .= " importance_cah DESC";      

    // FUNCTION:
    //   getScore
    //   Calculates the importance score 
    //   text - text to search in
    //   text - text to search in
    //   searchFor - keywords
    // RETURNS:
    //   the importance score for the keywords

    function getScore($text) 
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $textLo = strtolower($text);
        $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
        $matches = array();
        preg_match_all($expr, $searchFor, $matches);
        $searchFor = preg_replace($expr, "", $searchFor);
        $searchFor = str_replace('"','',$searchFor);
        $nrWords = count(explode(" ", $text));
        $searchWords = explode(" ", $searchFor);
        if (is_array($matches[1])) {
            foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
                array_push($searchWords, $value);
        $nrSearchWords = count($searchWords);
        $mainWordIdx = 0;
        $mainWord = "";

        if ($nrSearchWords==1) {
            $nrOccur = substr_count($textLo, strtolower($searchFor));
            $score = $nrOccur/$nrWords;
            return $score;
        } else {
            $score = 0;
            $allWords = true;
            for ($i=0;$i<$nrSearchWords;$i++) {
                if ($searchWords[$i]!='') {
                    $nrOccur = substr_count($textLo, strtolower($searchWords[$i]));     
                    if (!$nrOccur) {
                        $allWords = false;
                    $score += $nrOccur/$nrWords;        
            if ($allWords) {
                $score *= 5;
            return $score;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   getOrderedArray
    //   Makes a sort operation on the results for the normal search using the importance score
    //   recSet - recordset object containing the results
    //   searchFor - keywords
    // RETURNS:
    //   array with the results in the right order

    function getOrderedArray($recSet, $start, $length)
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $ordArr = array();
        $i = 0;
        $row_recSet = mysql_fetch_assoc($recSet);
        do {
            $fieldsArr = array();
            $fieldsArr['title_cah'] = $row_recSet['title_cah'];
            $fieldsArr['shortdesc_cah'] = $row_recSet['shortdesc_cah'];
            $fieldsArr['url_cah'] = $row_recSet['url_cah'];
            $score = 0;
            for ($j=1;$j<5;$j++) {
                $score += $this->importanceArray[$j] * $this->getScore($row_recSet['col'.$j.'_cah'], $searchFor);
            $fieldsArr['score'] = $score * $row_recSet['importance_cah'];
            $ordArr[$i] = $fieldsArr;
        } while ($row_recSet = mysql_fetch_assoc($recSet));
        $ready = false;
        $nrRec = mysql_num_rows($recSet); 
        while(!$ready) {
            $ready = true;
            for($i=0;$i<$nrRec-1;$i++) {
                if ($ordArr[$i]['score']<$ordArr[$i+1]['score']) {
                    $aux = $ordArr[$i];
                    $ordArr[$i] = $ordArr[$i+1];
                    $ordArr[$i+1] = $aux;
                    $ready = false;
        return array_slice($ordArr, $start, $length);

    function computeFullSearch($dbType)
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        switch ($dbType) {
            case 'MySQL' : $this->computeMySQLFullSearch($this->searchType); break;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeMySQLFullSearch
    //      Computes the SQL for the fulltext search 
    //   searchFor - search expression
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing

    function computeMySQLFullSearch($fullType){
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        if ($searchFor) {
            $searchCond = explode(" and ", $searchFor);
            $first = true;
            for ($condIdx=0;$condIdx<count($searchCond);$condIdx++) {
                if ($searchCond[$condIdx]!='') {
                    if ($condIdx!=0) {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " AND (";
                    } else {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = str_replace(" or "," ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    if (!$first) {
                        $this->orderBy .= " + ";
                    } else {
                        $this->orderBy .= " ( ";
                    $first = false;
                    $this->whereCondition .= sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_where'][$fullType], 1, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]));
                    $this->orderBy      .= " (".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_order'][$fullType], 1, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]), $this->importanceArray[1]).") ";
                    for ($relIdx=2; $relIdx <= 5; $relIdx++) {
                        $this->orderBy      .= " + (".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_order'][$fullType], $relIdx, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]), $this->importanceArray[$relIdx]).") ";
                        $this->whereCondition .= " OR ".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_where'][$fullType], $relIdx, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]));
                    $this->whereCondition .= " ) ";
            $this->orderBy      .= ") * importance_cah ";
            $this->searchColumns = ", ".$this->orderBy." as score ";    
            $this->orderBy      .= " DESC";
        } else {
            $this->whereCondition = " 1=-1 ";
            $this->orderBy = " importance_cah DESC ";

    function getKeywords() {
        if ($this->searchFor) {
            return stripslashes(str_replace('"', '&quot;', $this->searchFor)); 
        } else {
            return '';

    // FUNCTION:
    //   getSearchColumns
    //   Gets the aditional search columns
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the column names or false if no aditional search columns

    function getSearchColumns() {
        if (isset($this->searchColumns))
            return $this->searchColumns;
            return false;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   getWhereConditions
    //   Gets the where conditions for the SQL in the Advanced Recordset
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the conditions or false if none defined

    function getWhereCondition(){
        if (isset($this->whereCondition))
            return $this->whereCondition;
            return false;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   getOrderBy
    //   Gets the order by statement for the SQL in the Advanced Recordset
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the order by statement or false if not defined

    function getOrderBy(){
        if (isset($this->orderBy))
            return $this->orderBy;
            return false;

    // FUNCTION:
    //   formatDescription
    //   Formats the description of each result for hilighting the found words
    //   text - the description text
    // RETURNS:
    //   the formatted text

    function cleanText($text)
        $text = stripslashes(str_replace(array(" and "," or ","\""), " ", strtolower($text)));
        return $text;

    function formatDescription($text){
        $maxChars = 100;
        $font = array(0=>"<span class=\"highlight\">",1=>"</span>");
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        if(!trim($text)) //empty result
            return "";
        $ltext      = strtolower($text);
        if ($this->databaseType=='MySQL' && $this->searchType=='fulltext') {
            $searchFor = $this->cleanText($searchFor);
        $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
        $matches = array();
        preg_match_all($expr, $searchFor, $matches);
        $searchFor = preg_replace($expr,"",$searchFor);
        $searchFor = $this->cleanText($searchFor);      
        $arrSearchFor   = explode(" ",$searchFor);
        if (is_array($matches[1])) {
            foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
                array_push($arrSearchFor, $value);
        if (strlen($text) > 100) {
            foreach ($arrSearchFor as $key=>$value) {
                if ($value!='') {   
                    $pos = strpos($ltext, $value);
                    if ($pos) break;
            $leftLength = $pos;
            $rightLength = strlen(substr($ltext, $pos));
            if ($leftLength < 50) {
                $start = 0;
                $startStr = "";
                $endStr = "...";
            } else if ($rightLength < 50) {
                $start = $pos - (100 - $rightLength);
                $startStr = "...";
                $endStr = "";
            } else {
                $start = $pos - 50;
                $startStr = "...";
                $endStr = "...";
            $firstSpace = 0;
            $lastSpace = strlen($text);
            if ($start!=0) {
                $firstSpace = strrpos(substr($text, 0, $start), " ");
            if ($start + 100 <strlen($text)) {
                $lastSpace = strpos($text, " ", $start + 100);
            $text = $startStr.substr($text, $firstSpace, $lastSpace - $firstSpace).$endStr;     

        $ltext = strtolower($text);
        $indexArr = array();    
        for ($i=0;$i<count($arrSearchFor);$i++) {
            if ($arrSearchFor[$i]!='') {
                $offset = 0;
                for ($j=0;$j<substr_count($ltext, $arrSearchFor[$i]);$j++) {
                        $offset = strpos($ltext, $arrSearchFor[$i], $offset);
                        $indexArr[] = array($offset, 0, $i);
                        $offset += strlen($arrSearchFor[$i]);
                        $indexArr[] = array($offset, 1);
        while(!$ready) {
            $ready = true;
            for($i=0;$i<count($indexArr)-1;$i++) {
                if ($indexArr[$i][0]>$indexArr[$i+1][0]) {
                    $aux = $indexArr[$i];
                    $indexArr[$i] = $indexArr[$i+1];
                    $indexArr[$i+1] = $aux;
                    $ready = false;
        $displayText = "";
        $end = 0;
        for ($i=0; $i<count($indexArr); $i++) {
            if ($i!=0) {
                $start = $indexArr[$i-1][0];
            } else {
                $start = 0;
            $end = $indexArr[$i][0];
            $type = $indexArr[$i][1];
            $displayText .= substr($text, $start, $end-$start).$font[$type];
        $displayText .= substr($text, $end);
        return $displayText;
//end class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这通常不是PHP问题,您的CREATE TABLE语句未指定存储引擎(如果它们依赖MyISAM功能,可能会指定存储引擎)。

the docs的快速浏览为您提供了两种可能的解决方案:

  1. 将所需的存储引擎添加到CREATE TABLE语句
  2. 更改默认存储引擎

如果省略ENGINE选项,则使用默认存储引擎。从MySQL 5.5.5开始,默认引擎是InnoDB(5.5.5之前的MyISAM)。您可以使用--default-storage-engine服务器启动选项或通过在my.cnf配置文件中设置default-storage-engine选项来指定默认引擎。