C ++至Csharp结构

时间:2019-02-14 13:29:57

标签: c# c++

我是c#的初学者,为了使用特定的DLL函数,我必须将c ++结构转换为c#。

这是C ++函数头:

CY_VID_PID vidPid,                          /*VID and PID of device of interest*/
UINT8 *deviceIdList,                        /*Array of device ID's returned*/    
CY_DEVICE_INFO *deviceInfoList,             /*Array of pointers to device info list*/
UINT8 *deviceCount,                         /*Count of devices with specified VID PID*/ 
UINT8 infoListLength                        /*Total length of the deviceInfoList allocated
                                             (Size of deviceInfoList array)*/   

这是所需的C ++结构:

typedef struct _CY_DEVICE_INFO {
CY_VID_PID vidPid;                                      /*VID and PID*/
UCHAR numInterfaces;                                    /*Number of interfaces supported*/
UCHAR manufacturerName [CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];     /*Manufacturer name*/
UCHAR productName [CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];          /*Product name*/
UCHAR serialNum [CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];            /*Serial number*/
UCHAR deviceFriendlyName [CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];   /*Device friendly name : Windows only*/
CY_DEVICE_TYPE deviceType [CY_MAX_DEVICE_INTERFACE];    /*Type of the device each interface has(Valid only 
                                                        for USB Serial Device) and interface in vendor class*/
CY_DEVICE_CLASS deviceClass [CY_MAX_DEVICE_INTERFACE];  /*Interface class of each interface*/

CY_DEVICE_SERIAL_BLOCK  deviceBlock; /* On Windows, each USB Serial device interface is associated with a
                                        separate driver instance. This variable represents the present driver
                                        interface instance that is associated with a serial block. */

typedef struct _CY_VID_PID {
UINT16 vid;         /*Holds the VID of the device*/
UINT16 pid;         /*Holds the PID of the device*/


cyReturnStatus = CyGetDeviceInfoVidPid (cyVidPid, deviceID, (PCY_DEVICE_INFO)&cyDeviceInfoList, &cyNumDevices, 16);



[DllImport("cyusbserial.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
        public unsafe static extern enum_CY_Return_Status CyGetDeviceInfoVidPid(
            Struct_CY_VID_PID vidPid,                   //VID and PID of device of interest
            byte[] deviceIdList,                         //Array of device ID's returned
            Struct_CY_DEVICE_INFO[] deviceInfoList, //Array of pointers to device info list
            byte* deviceCount,                          //Count of devices with specified VID PID
            byte infoListLength                         //Total length of the deviceInfoList allocated
                                                        (Size of deviceInfoList array)


public struct Struct_CY_VID_PID
            public ushort vid;     //Holds the VID of the device
            public ushort pid;     //Holds the PID of the device

 public struct Struct_CY_DEVICE_INFO
            public Struct_CY_VID_PID vidPid;
            public byte numInterfaces;
            public byte[] manufacturerName;
            public byte[] productName;          //Product name
            public byte[] serialNum;            //Serial number
            public byte[] deviceFriendlyName;   //Device friendly name : Windows only
            public enum_CY_DEVICE_TYPE[] deviceType;    //Type of the device each interface has(Valid only 
                                                            //for USB Serial Device) and interface in vendor class
            public enum_CY_DEVICE_CLASS[] deviceClass;  //Interface class of each interface

            public enum_CY_DEVICE_SERIAL_BLOCK deviceBlock; // On Windows, each USB Serial device interface is associated with a
                                            separate driver instance. This variable represents the present driver
                                            interface instance that is associated with a serial block. 


for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                DeviceInfoList[i].manufacturerName = new byte[CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
                DeviceInfoList[i].productName = new byte[CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
                DeviceInfoList[i].serialNum = new byte[CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
                DeviceInfoList[i].deviceFriendlyName = new byte[CY_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE];
                DeviceInfoList[i].deviceType = new C_USBtoUART.enum_CY_DEVICE_TYPE[CY_MAX_DEVICE_INTERFACE];
                DeviceInfoList[i].deviceClass = new C_USBtoUART.enum_CY_DEVICE_CLASS[CY_MAX_DEVICE_INTERFACE];

fixed (byte* pDevice_Count = &Device_Count)
                Return_Status_1 = C_USBtoUART.CyGetDeviceInfoVidPid(VIDPID, DeviceID,DeviceInfoList, pDevice_Count, 16);

我认为我的错误来自于我如何发送“ DeviceInfoList”。我尝试使用“ ref”,但效果不佳。


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