
时间:2019-02-13 23:40:59

标签: python opencv image-processing computer-vision image-segmentation

这是我的场景从Intel Realsense d435 rgb相机拍摄的照片。 enter image description here



  1. 当前,我正在假装场景图像,并假使我正在运行一些对象识别软件,从而可以在对象周围创建边框。因此,我裁剪了该部分并将其应用于空白图像。

Cropped Image with threshold applied

  1. 我遵循OpenCV文档,并使用形态学转换和分水岭算法对图像进行分割。最后,我提取了确定的前景图像,并进行了精明边缘检测和轮廓检测。但是,它们返回的行很差。


Sure Foreground image with white spots Contours of my edges after filtering (bad)



编辑: 我从SentDex教程中尝试了GrabCut算法,但是尽管它可以删除一些背景,但分水岭算法之后仍无法找到准确的前景表示。

enter image description here enter image description here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 将我的深度信息保存在NxMx1矩阵中。 N,M值是我图像分辨率的形状。对于480,640的图像,我有一个矩阵(480,640,1),其中每个像素(i,j)存储该像素坐标的相应深度值。

  2. 使用了2D高斯核,通过astropy的卷积方法平滑并填充了深度矩阵中的所有缺失数据。

  3. 找到我的深度矩阵的梯度以及该梯度中每个像素的对应大小。

  4. 基于均匀深度过滤数据。均匀的深度意味着平坦的物体,因此我找到了我的幅度的高斯分布(来自深度梯度),而那些填充在X标准偏差之内的分布则设置为零。这样可以减少图像中的一些额外噪点。

  5. 然后我将幅度矩阵的值从0标准化为1,因此可以将我的矩阵视为通道1图像矩阵。


def gradient_demo(self, Depth_Mat):
    Gradient display entire image
    shape = (Depth_Mat.shape)
    bounds = ( (0,shape[0]), (0, shape[1]) )

    smooth_depth = self.convolve_smooth_Depth(Depth_Mat, bounds)
    gradient, magnitudes = self.depth_gradient(smooth_depth, bounds)
    magnitudes_prime = magnitudes.flatten()

    #hist, bin = np.histogram(magnitudes_prime, 50)  # histogram of entire image
    mean = np.mean(magnitudes_prime)
    variance = np.var(magnitudes_prime)
    sigma = np.sqrt(variance)

    # magnitudes_filtered = magnitudes[(magnitudes > mean - 2 * sigma) & (magnitudes < mean + 2 * sigma)]
    magnitudes[(magnitudes > mean - 1.5 * sigma) & (magnitudes < mean + 1.5 * sigma)] = 0

    magnitudes = 255*magnitudes/(np.max(magnitudes))
    magnitudes[magnitudes != 0] = 1

    plt.title('magnitude of gradients')
    plt.imshow(magnitudes, vmin=np.nanmin(magnitudes), vmax=np.amax(magnitudes), cmap = 'gray')

    return  magnitudes.astype(np.uint8)
def convolve_smooth_Depth(self, raw_depth_mtx, bounds):
    Iterate over subimage and fill in any np.nan values with averages depth values
    :param image: 
    :param bounds: ((ylow,yhigh), (xlow, xhigh)) -> (y,x)
    :return: Smooted depth values for a given square
    ylow, yhigh = bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1]
    xlow, xhigh = bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1]

    kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(1)    #generate kernel 9x9 with stdev of 1
    # astropy's convolution replaces the NaN pixels with a kernel-weighted interpolation from their neighbors
    astropy_conv = convolve(raw_depth_mtx[ylow:yhigh, xlow:xhigh], kernel, boundary='extend')
    # extended boundary assumes original data is extended using a constant extrapolation beyond the boundary
    smoothedSQ = (np.around(astropy_conv, decimals= 3))

    return smoothedSQ

def depth_gradient(self, smooth_depth, bounds):

    :param smooth_depth: 
    :param shape: Tuple with y_range and x_range of the image. 
            shape = ((0,480), (0,640)) (y,x) -> (480,640)
            y_range = shape[0]
            x_range = shape[1]
    #shape defines the image array shape. Rows and Cols for an array

    ylow, yhigh = bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1]
    xlow, xhigh = bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1]
    gradient = np.gradient(smooth_depth)
    x,y = range(xlow, xhigh), range(ylow, yhigh)
    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    magnitudes = np.sqrt(gradient[0] ** 2 + gradient[1] ** 2)

    return gradient, magnitudes


enter image description here

我在这里问了另一个相关问题:How to identify contours associated with my objects and find their geometric centroid


答案 1 :(得分:0)


element = cv2.getStructuringElement(shape=cv2.MORPH_RECT, ksize=(21, 21))

dilate = cv2.dilate(gray,element,1)
erode = cv2.erode(dilate,element,1)

#use erode as a mask to extract the object from the original image
erode = cv2.bitwise_not(erode)

erode = cv2.cvtColor(erode, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

res = cv2.add(original,erode)


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