我在x-y图上绘制实心圆和椭圆。椭圆是从2x2张量数据得出的。根据我要绘制的数据类型,x方向和y方向的单位大不相同。我希望在绘图的某个(x,y)位置绘制一个椭圆,但是无论x和y轴单位如何,我都希望保持绘制的椭圆的纵横比。请注意,此处axis equal
不是一个选项,因为x和y比例尺是如此不同。如果我尝试做axis equal
x = 100*[1 2 3 4]; %x direction is several orders of magnitude larger than y direction
y = [1 2 3 4]; %y direction
data = randn(4,1); %data to fill ellipse (irrelevant to the question)
nrot = 36; %Number of points on each ellipse
for i = 1:4
%Elements of 2x2 tensor to make the ellipse
r1 = randn; r2 = randn; r3 = randn; r4 = randn;
for irot=1:nrot %Loop to get ellipse points
rot_ang = (irot-1)*360/(nrot-1);
v = [cosd(rot_ang),sind(rot_ang)]; %Rotating vector components
if i == 1 %Ensure that the first ellipse is a perfect circle
r1 = 0; r4 = 0; r3 = r2;
plot_vec = [r1 r2; r3 r4]*v';
%x component of ellipse to plot
ex(irot) = plot_vec(1);
%y component of ellipse to plot
ey(irot) = plot_vec(2);
%Plot the ellipse at the x-y location
xp = x(i)+ex;
yp = y(i)+ey;
fill(xp,yp,data(i)); hold on %Plot ellipses filled with "data".
%"Axis equal" does not work in this case
%axis equal
答案 0 :(得分:2)
听起来好像您希望椭圆显示的数据纵横比为1:1,即使轴的数据纵横比不是。一种选择是,首先为轴选择所需的data aspect ratio,然后在平移和绘制它们之前相应地缩放椭圆的y值:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
out_file = "path_to_file/file.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(out_file)
time = df['date']
data = df['data']
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4,3),(0,0), colspan = 2, rowspan = 2) # Will be adding other plots
plt.plot(time, data)
plt.yticks(np.arange(1,5,1)) # Include classes 1-4 showing only 1 step changes
plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # Reverse y axis
plt.ylabel('Trend', fontsize = 8, labelpad = 10)