
时间:2019-02-13 16:25:54

标签: java spring spring-batch chunks

例如:我有100行,每行都有一个 Delay 字段,我想获得这100行的 averageDelay 来创建一个具有该值和其他内容的行这100行(例如,发生的延迟大于一定时间)。


我的代码主要基于此example(使用大块的代码) 但是我只是在寻找一个好的结构!

假设我有一个课程 InitialLine

public class InitialLine{

    private String feedID;
    private LocalDate dateTime;
    private Integer delay;

    /* Proper getters and setters here */



public class finalLine implements Serializable{

    private String feedId;
    private LocalDate dateTime;
    private Float averageDelay;
    // Delay greater than 100 second
    private Integer delayGT100;
    // Delay greater than 200 second
    private Integer delayGT200;

    /* Proper getters and setters here */


我的 ItemReader 看起来像这样:

public class initialLineReader extends ItemReader<List<InitialLine>>{

    /* Declaration here*/

    private FilesUtils fu;

    public List<InitialLine> read(){
        List<InitialLine> lines = fu.readInitialLines();
         return listFlux;

    /* Other stuff*/


通过 FileUtils 如此运行:

public class FilesUtils {

    /* Declaration here */

    /* Here we are using a CSV file but it will be connected to DB after*/
    public List<InitialLine> readInitialLines() {
        try {
            if (CSVReader == null) initReader();

            // What should I put here ? 
            // Read every line with .readNext() and stacking it inside a List<InitialLine> ?

            String[] line = CSVReader.readNext();
            if (line == null) return null;
            return new LineFluxCapacity();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error while reading line in file: " + this.fileName);
            return null;

    /* Other stuff here*/

-处理器:将 ONE 项转换为 ONE

-处理器:将 MULTI 个项目/行转换为一个
-作家:写 ONE

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