我一直在开发一个网站,该网站将提供人们创建的时间表。我正在使用Alienware进行开发,而ajax代码始终可以在笔记本电脑上完美运行。我正在使用IE。但是,如果我通过Samsung Smart TV或HTC U11手机访问站点,则Ajax不一致。它显示了我要的数据,但是,当我汇总一周的总时数时,有时会显示正确的小时数,有时会为用户安排一周的时数,显示0小时。为什么设备之间不一致?我知道Ajax建议用于IE。就像我说的那样,有时它会显示正确的每周总时数,而有时它只会显示零。我的Alienware上没有发生此问题。
function getThisWeek(str5) {
lastDate = new Date(str5);
// getting dates for this week to be displayed...
this.math = dayInput.length - 1;
this.math0 = 0 - new Date(str5).getDay();
// getting week total hour length, to determine how many times this code executes...
weekSum = 0;
totals = [];
for (this.i = 0; this.i < weekTotalHours.length; this.i++) {
str3 = this.i;
this.date = new Date(str5);
for (this.ii = (this.i * (7)) - new Date().getDay(); this.ii < (7 * (this.i + 1)) - new Date().getDay(); this.ii++) {
totalHours = 0;
this.date = new Date(str5);
this.date = new Date(this.date.setDate(this.date.getDate() + (this.ii)));
// which element position the total daily hours belongs to when displaying them...
this.pos = this.ii + new Date().getDay();
thisDayChart[this.pos].innerHTML = "";
// displaying the date
dayInput[this.pos].innerHTML = this.date.getDate();
// highlighting today's date...
if (this.date.getDate() == new Date(str5).getDate() && this.date.getMonth() == new Date().getMonth()) {
dayInput[this.pos].style.color = "white";
dayInput[this.pos].style.backgroundColor = "silver";
dayInput[this.pos].style.borderRadius = "0px";
thisDay[this.pos].style.border = "2px double lightblue";
} else {
dayInput[this.pos].style.color = "";
dayInput[this.pos].style.backgroundColor = "";
dayInput[this.pos].style.borderRadius = "";
thisDay[this.pos].style.border = "";
// getting schedule from database...
this.xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.xmlhttp.pos = this.pos;
this.xmlhttp.ipos = this.i;
this.xmlhttp.d = months[this.date.getMonth()] + " " + this.date.getDate() + ", " + this.date.getFullYear();
this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
dayInput[this.pos].m = months[new Date(this.d).getMonth()];
dayInput[this.pos].weekDay = days[new Date(this.d).getDay()];
// how many weeks in the year is user...
this.islpyr = new Date(this.d);
this.islpyr = this.islpyr.setMonth(1);
this.islpyr = new Date(new Date(this.islpyr).setDate(29));
if (this.islpyr.getMonth() == 2) {
mlens[1] = 28;
} else {
mlens[1] = 29;
// getting total amount of days for the year...
this.yrlen = 0;
for (this.iii = 0; this.iii < mlens.length; this.iii++) {
this.yrlen += mlens[this.iii];
// getting total weeks
this.wklen = this.yrlen / 7;
this.wklen = Math.round(this.wklen);
this.week = 0;
for (this.iii = 0; this.iii < new Date(this.d).getMonth(); this.iii++) {
this.week += mlens[this.iii];
this.week += new Date(this.d).getDate();
this.week /= 7;
this.week = Math.round(this.week) + 1;
// rounding and displaying current week number...
if (new Date(this.d).getDay() == 0) {
myDayWrapper[this.ipos].weekLabel = "Week " + this.week + " of " + this.wklen;
if (this.pos == 0) {
weekDisplay[0].innerHTML = myDayWrapper[0].weekLabel;
// which day of the year it is... how many days in the year is the user...
this.yrpos = 0;
for (this.iv = 0; this.iv < new Date(this.d).getMonth(); this.iv++) {
this.yrpos += mlens[this.iv];
this.yrpos += new Date(this.d).getDate();
thisDayTitle[this.pos].innerHTML = "Day " + this.yrpos + " of " + this.yrlen;
totalHours = 0;
this.schedule = "" + this.responseText;
// if user is unscheduled, do this first... 'undefined' literally means there isn't a schedule for that specific day.
if (this.schedule.search("Undefined") >= 0) {
this.elem = document.createElement("div");
this.elem.innerHTML = "Unscheduled";
this.elem = document.createElement("div");
this.elem.innerHTML = "Claim Shifts";
this.elem.i = this.pos;
this.elem.ipos = this.ipos;
this.elem.onclick = function() {
popUpWrap[1].style.display = "block";
this.datesd = [];
for (this.i = this.ipos * 7; this.i < 7 * (this.ipos + 1); this.i++) {
for (this.i = 0; this.i < 7; this.i++) {
shiftClaimDate[this.i].innerHTML = this.datesd[this.i];
popUpShiftDay[this.i].innerHTML = dayInput[this.i].weekDay;
this.strrr = "" + dayInput[this.i].m;
this.strrr = this.strrr.substring(0,3);
shiftClaimMonth[this.i].innerHTML = this.strrr;
if (totals.length - 1 == this.pos) {
} else {
} else {
// getting daily total...
this.schedule = this.schedule.split(",");
for (this.iii = 0; this.iii < this.schedule.length; this.iii++) {
this.str = "" + this.schedule[this.iii];
this.str = this.str.split("=");
this.dateString = "December 22, 1991";
switch (this.str[0]) {
case "shift_start":
this.start = new Date(this.dateString + " " + this.str[1]);
this.end = this.schedule[this.schedule.length - 1] + "";
this.end = this.end.split("=");
this.end = new Date(this.dateString + " " + this.end[1]);
this.hours = (this.end.getHours() - this.start.getHours()) * 60;
this.hours = this.hours - (this.start.getMinutes() + this.end.getMinutes());
this.hours /= 60;
totalHours += this.hours;
weekSum += totalHours;
case "break_start":
this.start = new Date(this.dateString + " " + this.str[1]);
this.end = this.schedule[this.iii + 1] + "";
this.end = this.end.split("=");
this.end = new Date(this.dateString + " " + this.end[1]);
this.hours = (this.end.getHours() - this.start.getHours()) * 60;
this.hours = this.hours - (this.start.getMinutes() + this.end.getMinutes());
this.hours /= 60;
weekSum -= this.hours;
totalHours -= this.hours;
this.s = "s";
if (totalHours == 1) {
this.s = "";
thisDayChart[this.pos].innerHTML = totalHours + " hour" + this.s;
weekTotalHours[this.ipos].innerHTML = "Week Total: " + weekSum;
// displaying hour totals...
if (new Date(this.d).getDay() == 6) {
weekSum = 0;
totalHours = 0;
this.xmlhttp.open("GET","/js/data/schedule.html?date="+ months[this.date.getMonth()] + " " + this.date.getDate() + ", " + this.date.getFullYear(),false);