
时间:2019-02-13 00:59:08

标签: c++

在编辑显示此错误后运行程序后,我在编辑函数(unionSet)之前运行了此代码。我正在XCode上使用C ++进行工作,但之前尚未见过。

malloc: *对象0x100519860的错误:未分配要释放的指针 * 在malloc_error_break中设置一个断点进行调试

#include "Set.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

// Function for the default constructor.
    // default constructor
    theSet = new int[0];

// Function for the overloaded constructor taking an element and building an array for it.
Set::Set(int element)
    // take element
    // make one memory box
    // put element in that single box

    numElements = 1;
    theSet = new int[numElements];
    for(int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
    theSet[i] = element;

// Function for the destructor.
    // deletes the dynamic array
    if (theSet != nullptr)
        delete [] theSet;
        // removes the posibility of a dangling pointer
        theSet = nullptr;

// Function building the copy constructor.
Set::Set(const Set& copy)
    // sets the value of copy constructor size equal to the current size by reference
    numElements = copy.numElements;

    // Allocate the memory.
    theSet = new int[numElements];

    // Copy all the data over.
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
        theSet[i] = copy.theSet[i];

// Function for finding the elements in the intersection of set A and set B.
void Set::intersectSet(const Set& otherSet)
    // only the elements in both sets

    int *newSet = new int[otherSet.getCardinality()];
    int x = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){
            if (theSet[i] < otherSet.theSet[j])

            else if (otherSet.theSet[j]< theSet[i])

            else if (theSet[i] == otherSet.theSet[j])
                theSet[i] = newSet[x];
            theSet = newSet;

// Function for finding the elements in the union of set A and set B.
void Set::unionSet(const Set& otherSet)
    // combine the two sets but no repeats

    theSet = otherSet.theSet;


// Function for retreiving the difference between set A and set B.
void Set::setDifference(const Set& otherSet)
    // the compliment of a set
    // an array with values from array A and only array A(cannot be in B)

    int *newSet = new int[otherSet.getCardinality()];
    int x = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++){
            if (theSet[i] < otherSet.theSet[j])
                theSet[i] = newSet[x];

            else if (otherSet.theSet[j] < theSet[i])

            else if (theSet[i] == otherSet.theSet[j])
            theSet = newSet;

// Function for checking if the "otherSet" is a subset of "theSet".
bool Set::isSubset(const Set& otherSet) const
    // all elements of a must be in set b to be a subset
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < numElements; j++)
            if ( theSet[i] == theSet[j] )

        if ( j == numElements)
            return false;
            // returns false if variable j is equal to the number of elements
    return true;
    // return true if the statement is not changed

// Function for checking if the set is empty.
bool Set::isEmptySet() const
    // empty set = no memory
    if (theSet != nullptr)
        return false;
        // returns true if the set is empty
    return true;
        // returns false if the set is not empty

// Function for checking if an element is a member of the set.
bool Set::isMember(int element) const
    // check function looking for the element in the set
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
        if (theSet[i] == element) return true;
        // returning true if the element is found
    return false;
    // return false if element is not found

// Function for retreiving the number of elements in the set.
int Set::getCardinality() const
    // returns the size of the set over the first position
    return (sizeof(theSet)/sizeof(*theSet));

string Set::toString()
    // Builds the stream for output
    stringstream stream;

    // Opening stream statements when called
    stream << "{ ";

    // For loop for outputing the contents of set
    for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
        stream << theSet[i] << ", ";
    // Closing stream statements
    stream << "}";

    // Returns the whole statement to the output location.
    return stream.str();



#include <iostream>
#include "Set.hpp"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// This function takes a method call as a string, a boolean value returned
// by a call and the expected boolean value and pretty prints the result.
void boolExpected(string method, bool val, bool expected)
    if (expected)
        cout << method << " = " << val << " expected true (1) ";
        cout << method << " = " << val << " expected false (0) ";

    if (expected == val)
        cout << " [ PASS ]\n";
        cout << " [ FAIL ]\n";

// This function takes a method call as a string, an integer value returned
// by a call and the expected integer value and pretty prints the result.
void intExpected(string method, int val, int expected)
    cout << method << " = " << val << " expected " << expected;
    if (expected == val)
        cout << " [ PASS ]\n";
        cout << " [ FAIL ]\n";

// This function takes a method call as a string, an integer value returned
// by a call and the expected integer value and pretty prints the result.
void stringExpected(string method, string val, string expected)
    cout << method << " = " << val << " expected " << expected;
    if (expected == val)
        cout << " [ PASS ]\n";
        cout << " [ FAIL ]\n";

// Tests the isEmptySet() method.
void testIsEmptySet()
    Set mySet;
    Set mySet2(3);

    // added to see contents of array
    cout << " mySet contains " << mySet.toString() << ". " << endl;
    cout << " mySet2 contains " << mySet2.toString() << ". " << endl;

    boolExpected("mySet.isEmptySet()", mySet.isEmptySet(), true);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isEmptySet()", mySet2.isEmptySet(), false);

// Tests the isMember() method.
void testIsMember()
    Set mySet;
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    // added to see what contents of array are
    cout << " mySet contains " << mySet.toString() << ". " << endl;
    cout << " mySet2 contains " << mySet2.toString() << ". " << endl;

    boolExpected("mySet.isMember(5)", mySet.isMember(5), false);
    boolExpected("mySet.isMember(7)", mySet.isMember(7), false);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isMember(7)", mySet2.isMember(7), true);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isMember(4)", mySet2.isMember(4), true);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isMember(3)", mySet2.isMember(3), true);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isMember(15)", mySet2.isMember(15), false);

// Tests the isSubset method.
void testIsSubset()
    Set mySet(7);
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    // added to see what contents of array are
    cout << " mySet contains " << mySet.toString() << ". " << endl;
    cout << " mySet2 contains " << mySet2.toString() << ". " << endl;

    boolExpected("mySet.isSubset(mySet2)", mySet.isSubset(mySet2), true);
    boolExpected("mySet2.isSubset(mySet)", mySet2.isSubset(mySet), false);

// Tests the getCardinality method.
void testGetCardinality()
    Set emptySet;
    Set mySet(7);
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    // added to see what contents of array are
    cout << " mySet contains " << mySet.toString() << ". " << endl;
    cout << " mySet2 contains " << mySet2.toString() << ". " << endl;

    intExpected("mySet.getCardinality()", mySet.getCardinality(), 1);
    intExpected("mySet2.getCardinality()", mySet2.getCardinality(), 3);
    intExpected("emptySet.getCardinality()", emptySet.getCardinality(), 0);

// Tests the unionSet method.
void testUnionSet()
    Set emptySet;
    Set mySet(7);
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    stringExpected("{ 3 } union { 4 } ", mySet2.toString(), "{ 3, 4 }");

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    stringExpected("{ 3, 4 } union { 7 } ", mySet2.toString(), "{ 3, 4, 7 }");

    stringExpected("{ } union { 7 }", emptySet.toString(), "{ 7 }");

// This tests the intersectSet() method.
void testIntersectSet()
    Set emptySet;
    Set mySet(7);
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    stringExpected("{ } intersect { 7 }", emptySet.toString(), "{ }");

    stringExpected("{ 7 } intersect { 3, 4, 7 }", mySet.toString(), "{ 7 }");

    stringExpected("{ 3, 4, 7 } intersect { 7 }", mySet2.toString(), "{ 7 }");

// This tests the setDifference method.
void testSetDifference()
    Set mySet(7);
    Set* tmp;

    // Build up a set.
    Set mySet2(3);

    tmp = new Set(4);
    delete tmp;

    tmp = new Set(7);
    delete tmp;

    stringExpected("{ 7 } difference { 3, 4, 7 }", mySet.toString(), "{ }");

    Set mySet3(7);

    stringExpected("{ 3, 4, 7 } difference { 7 }", mySet2.toString(), "{ 3, 4 }");

int main()
    cout << "Testing isEmptySet()\n";
    cout << "--------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing isMember()\n";
    cout << "------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing isSubset()\n";
    cout << "------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing getCardinality()\n";
    cout << "------------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing unionSet()\n";
    cout << "------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing intersectSet()\n";
    cout << "----------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Testing setDifference()\n";
    cout << "-----------------------\n";
    cout << endl << endl;

    return 0;


>Testing isEmptySet()
> mySet contains { }. 
> mySet2 contains { 3, }. 
>mySet.isEmptySet() = 0 expected true (1)  [ FAIL ]
>mySet2.isEmptySet() = 0 expected false (0)  [ PASS ]
>Testing isMember()
> mySet contains { }. 
> mySet2 contains { 0, }. 
>mySet.isMember(5) = 0 expected false (0)  [ PASS ]
>mySet.isMember(7) = 0 expected false (0)  [ PASS ]
>mySet2.isMember(7) = 0 expected true (1)  [ FAIL ]
>mySet2.isMember(4) = 0 expected true (1)  [ FAIL ]
>mySet2.isMember(3) = 0 expected true (1)  [ FAIL ]
>mySet2.isMember(15) = 0 expected false (0)  [ PASS ]
>Set(13123,0x1003a8380) malloc: *** error for object 0x100519860: pointer being freed was not allocated
>*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug


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