
时间:2019-02-13 00:39:05

标签: javascript reactjs redux react-redux redux-actions

我的/actions/authenticate.js中有一个 actionCreators ,用于区分 redux 组件反应

这是我的authenticate.js,这是我的 actionCreators

export function login(email, password) { // Fake authentication function
    return async dispatch => {
        dispatch(loginRequest()); // dispatch a login request to update the state
        try {
            if (email.trim() === "test123@nomail.com" && password === "123456") { //If the email and password matches
                const session = { token: "abc1234", email: email, username: "test123" } // Create a fake token for authentication
                await AsyncStorage.setItem(DATA_SESSION, JSON.stringify(session)) // Stringinfy the session data and store it
                setTimeout(() => { // Add a delay for faking a asynchronous request
                    dispatch(loginSuccess(session)) // Dispatch a successful sign in after 1.5 seconds
                    return Promise.resolve()
                }, 1500)
            } else { // Otherwise display an error to the user
                setTimeout(() => { // Dispatch an error state
                    dispatch(loginFailed("Incorrect email or password"))
                }, 1500)
        } catch (err) { // When something goes wrong
            dispatch(loginFailed("Something went wrong"));
            return Promise.reject()
} // login

然后,将其导入我的someComponent.js中,以导入该 actionCreator 并使用bindActionCreators对其进行绑定。


import { bindActionCreators } from "redux";
import * as authActions from "../actions/authenticate";
import { connect } from "react-redux";


export default connect(
    state => ({ state: state.authenticate }),
    dispatch => ({
        actions: bindActionCreators(authActions, dispatch)




onPress={() => {                                 
   this.props.actions.login(this.state.email, this.state.password)

但是我想发生的是,此功能将调度一个 redux操作,并在可能的情况下返回一个承诺


onPress={() => {                                 
       this.props.actions.login(this.state.email, this.state.password)
       .then(() => this.props.navigation.navigate('AuthScreen'))

我想发生的事情是当我尝试登录时。调度这些异步redux thunk操作并返回一个promise。如果已解决,则可以重定向或导航到正确的屏幕。

感谢有人可以帮助您。 预先感谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的第一种方法基本上是正确的。 dispatch(thunkAction())(或者在您的情况下,this.props.actions.login()返回thunkAction()返回的内容,因此它返回Promise,如果它是async



export function login(email, password) { // Fake authentication function
    return async dispatch => {
        dispatch(loginRequest()); // dispatch a login request to update the state
        try {
            if (email.trim() === "test123@nomail.com" && password === "123456") { //If the email and password matches
                const session = { token: "abc1234", email: email, username: "test123" } // Create a fake token for authentication
                await AsyncStorage.setItem(DATA_SESSION, JSON.stringify(session)) // Stringinfy the session data and store it
                // Add a delay for faking a asynchronous
                await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1500));
                return Promise.resolve(true);
            } else { // Otherwise display an error to the user
                await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1500));
                dispatch(loginFailed("Incorrect email or password"))
                return Promise.resolve(false);
        } catch (err) { // When something goes wrong
            dispatch(loginFailed("Something went wrong"));
            return Promise.reject()
} // login

这样,您的异步函数解析为可以在组件中使用的true / false

onPress={() => {                                 
       this.props.actions.login(this.state.email, this.state.password)
       .then((login_succeeded) => this.props.navigation.navigate('AuthScreen'))

您还可以return dispatch(loginSuccess(session));(只要返回它的重击而不是setTimeout处理程序),在这种情况下,loginSuccess(session)就是.then() onPress钩子。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

万一您需要根据login的结果将用户重定向到另一页,则应使用Redux Router,然后在login进行批量处理时,应分派适当的navigation action会将您的用户重定向到正确的页面。
