#Guess that movie, gives a quote and you have to guess it for points, add a high score system.
from random import randint
points = 0
quote1 = randint(0,3)
quote2 = randint(0,3)
quote3 = randint(0,3)
quote4 = randint(0,3)
movieQuoteEasy = ["You're going to need a bigger boat.", "I'll be back.", "Here's Johnny!", "Say hello to my little friend!"]
movieQuoteMedi = ["Luca Brazi Sleeps with the fishes.", "Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.", "You talking to me?", "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning."]
movieQuoteHard = ["Rosebud...", "How am I funny to you? what makes me so funny.", "They call it a Royal with Cheese.", "Go ahead, make my day."]
movieQuoteExtr = ["I tried... at least I did that.", "Gentlemen, you can't fight here this is the way room!", "I'm having an old friend for Dinner.", "The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."]
movieAnswerEasy = ["Jaws", "The Terminator", "The Shining", "Scarface"]
movieAnswerMedi = ["The Godfather", "The Dark Knight", "Taxi Driver", "Apocalypse Now"]
movieAnswerHard = ["Casablanca", "Goodfellas", "Pulp Fiction", "Dirty Hary"]
movieAnswerExtr = ["One Flew Over the Cuckos Nest", 'Dr. Strangelove', "Silence of the Lambs", "The Usual Suspects"]
print("Welcome to Guess That Movie!")
#Easy Question
print("Easy: " + movieQuoteEasy[quote1])
guess1 = input()
#Takes the value for use input and checks it against the correct answer.
if guess1 == movieAnswerEasy[quote1]:
points += 5
print("You have " + str(points) + " points!")
print("Wrong, the correct answer was " + movieAnswerEasy[quote1])
#Medium Question
print("Medium: " + movieQuoteMedi[quote2])
guess2 = input()
#Takes the value for use input and checks it against the correct answer.
if guess2 == movieAnswerMedi[quote2]:
points += 5
print("You have " + str(points) + " points!")
print("Wrong, the correct answer was " + movieAnswerMedi[quote1])
#Hard Question
print("Hard: " + movieQuoteHard[quote3])
guess3 = input()
#Takes the value for use input and checks it against the correct answer.
if guess3 == movieAnswerHard[quote3]:
points += 5
print("You have " + str(points) + " points!")
print("Wrong, the correct answer was " + movieAnswerHard[quote3])
#Extream Question
print("Insane: " + movieQuoteExtr[quote4])
guess4 = input()
# Takes the value for use input and checks it against the correct answer.
if guess4 == movieAnswerExtr[quote4]:
points += 5
print("You have " + str(points) + " points!")
print("Wrong, the correct answer was " + movieAnswerExtr[quote4])
print("\nGreat job, you have " + str(points) + " points.")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
。这会将所有字母以小写形式显示在用户输入中。像这样:guess1 = input().lower
guess1 = input(">>> ").lower() #Allows the user to input lower case letters.
if "terminator" in guess1: #This is probably what you are looking for.
#If the program detects the keyword 'terminator'
#in your guess, then the if statement will execute.
#Whatever happens when the user is correct.
#Whatever happens when the user is incorrect.