Option Explicit
Sub JsonMain()
Dim dict
Dim subDict
Dim strLine As String
' Read from file
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path + "\" + "Main.json"
Dim nFile As Integer
Dim strJson As String
nFile = FreeFile
Open FilePath For Input As #nFile
strJson = Input(LOF(nFile), nFile)
Close #nFile
Dim jp As Scripting.Dictionary
Set jp = JsonConverter.ParseJson(strJson)
Dim gameData As Scripting.Dictionary
Set gameData = jp("data")
Dim theseMonsters As Object
Set theseMonsters = gameData("monsters")
Debug.Print "there are " & theseMonsters.Count & " monsters in the profile"
Dim i As Long
Dim monster As Dictionary
Dim monsterName As Variant
Dim monsterDetails As Variant
For Each monsterName In theseMonsters.Keys
Debug.Print "Monster #" & monsterName
Set monsterDetails = theseMonsters(monsterName)
Debug.Print " -- name: " & monsterDetails("class_name")
Debug.Print " -- total level: " & monsterDetails("total_level")
Debug.Print " -- perfection: " & monsterDetails("perfect_rate")
Debug.Print " -- catch number: " & monsterDetails("create_index")
Dim battleStats As Collection
Set battleStats = monsterDetails("total_battle_stats")
Debug.Print " -- battle stats: ";
For i = 1 To battleStats.Count
Debug.Print battleStats.Item(i) & " ";
Next i
Debug.Print ""
' ...
Next monsterName
End Sub
怪物#47103 -名字:Monstratos -总等级:20 -完美:53.763 -捕捞数量:39 -战斗状态:218288221198198227201
我希望A行包含以下粗体标题:Monster#,Name,Total Level,Perfect,Catch Number,HP,PA,PD,SA,SD,SPD(战役统计不是标题,而是个人战斗统计数据)。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我认为您想要类似以下的内容。每次您按下新的 monster 词典时,您都会增加行计数器r
。对于 monster 词典中的每个感兴趣的项目,该列将增加1。
Option Explicit
Public Sub WriteOutBattleInfo()
Dim headers(), r As Long, i As Long, json As Object, key As Variant, ws As Worksheet, battleStats As Object
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
headers = Array("Monster #", "Name", "Total Level", "Perfection", "Catch Number", "HP", "PA", "PD", "SA", "SD", "SPD")
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", "https://www.etheremon.com/api/user/get_my_monster?trainer_address=0x2Fef65e4D69a38bf0dd074079f367CDF176eC0De", False
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)("data")("monsters") 'dictionary of dictionaries
End With
r = 2
ws.Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
For Each key In json.keys
With ws
.Cells(r, 1) = key
.Cells(r, 2) = json(key)("class_name")
.Cells(r, 3) = json(key)("total_level")
.Cells(r, 4) = json(key)("perfect_rate")
.Cells(r, 5) = json(key)("create_index")
Set battleStats = json(key)("total_battle_stats")
For i = 1 To battleStats.Count
.Cells(r, i + 5) = battleStats.item(i)
Next i
End With
r = r + 1
End Sub