我正在寻找建议,以解决此识别错误。 我不明白为什么要这样:
n_control_points = len(df_city_service)
complete_route_list = []
complete_route_list1 = []
n_control_points = len(df_city_service)
latitude = list(df_city_service["latitude"])
tripid_to_nodes = []
tripid_to_nodes_list = []
userid_to_nodes = []
userid_to_nodes_list = []
for uniquetripid in uniquetripid:
df_city_service = df_city.loc[df_city["tripId"] == uniquetripid]
userid = df_city_service.iloc[0]['userId']
longitude = list(df_city_service["longitude"])
#creates the "data" variables, which contains lat and lon for given tripid's control points
data = []
for latitude, longitude in zip(latitude,longitude):
protodata = (latitude, longitude)
route_segment = []
route_segment1 = []
complete_route = []
complete_route1 = []
i = 0
#the while loop is responsible for generation of nodes list route from point i to point i+1
while i < (n_control_points-1):
start_point = data[i]
end_point = data[i+1]
# get the nearest network node to each point
orig_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, start_point)
int_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, end_point)
# find the route between these nodes.
#I am stupidly calling it twice because I am not able to duplicate the
#list and delete first item in one and last item in the other
route_segment = nx.shortest_path(G, orig_node, int_node, weight='length')
route_segment1 = nx.shortest_path(G, orig_node, int_node, weight='length')
# two lists are needed to define edges
route_segment.pop() #delete last item in u_nodes list
route_segment1.pop(0) #delete first item in v_node list
complete_route = complete_route + route_segment
complete_route1 = complete_route1 + route_segment1
tripid_to_nodes = [uniquetripid]*len(complete_route)
userid_to_nodes = [userid]*len(complete_route)
i = i + 1
# incremental storage of nodes list through tripIds
complete_route_list = complete_route_list + complete_route
complete_route_list1 = complete_route_list1 + complete_route1
#assignment of tripId and UserId values
tripid_to_nodes_list = tripid_to_nodes_list + tripid_to_nodes
userid_to_nodes_list = userid_to_nodes_list + userid_to_nodes
print("tripid processato:", uniquetripid)`
文件“”,第8行 n_control_points = len(df_city_service) ^ IndentationError:意外缩进