
时间:2019-02-11 07:50:04

标签: haskell


module TicTacToe where

import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import System.Console.ANSI

type Board = [[Space]]
type Space =  Maybe Player

data Player = PlayerX | PlayerO deriving (Eq, Show)
data State = Running | GameOver (Maybe Player) deriving (Eq, Show)
data Game = Game { gameBoard :: Board
                 , gamePlayer :: Player
                 , gameState :: State
                 } deriving (Eq, Show)

initialGame = Game { gameBoard = initialBoard
                   , gamePlayer = PlayerX
                   , gameState = Running

initialBoard = [ [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]
               , [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]
               , [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]

printBoard = print . gameBoard  

updateBoard :: Game -> Int -> Space -> Game -- updates the game board
updateBoard game i s = if (i < 1 || i > 9) 
                            then game 
                            else do
    let b = concat $ gameBoard game
    let (x,y:ys) = splitAt (i - 1) b
    let b2 = if y == Nothing -- if the space equals Nothing
        then x ++ [s] ++ ys -- then we will allow a PlayerX or PlayerO to be placed
        else b               -- otherwise b2 will equal the game board we started with   

    let b3 = chunksOf 3 b2
    game { gameBoard = b3 }

switchPlayer :: Game -> Game -- switches the player
switchPlayer game = 
    case gamePlayer game of
    PlayerX -> game { gamePlayer = PlayerO }
    playerO -> game { gamePlayer = PlayerX }   

gameLoop :: Game -> IO ()
gameLoop game = do
    putStrLn "Enter a Number 1-9"
    playerMove <- getLine
    let newGame = updateBoard game (read playerMove :: Int) (Just (gamePlayer game))
    let checkGame = if (newGame == game)                     -- If the updated game is equal to the old game
                        then gameLoop newGame                -- then we restart the loop with no changes
                        else gameLoop $ switchPlayer newGame -- otherwise we restart the loop and switch the player

    printBoard newGame -- print the game board

main = gameLoop initialGame

基本上,我想使用我的gameBoard,而不是显示为[[Just PlayerX, Just PlayerO, Nothing], [Nothing Nothing, Nothing], [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]]


[['X', 'O', "."]
,['.', '.', '.']
,['.', '.', '.']

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


type Space =  Maybe Player


newtype Space = Space {unSpace :: Maybe Player} deriving (Eq)

就编译器而言,这使Space的类型与Maybe Player完全不同(尽管在运行时将其视为相同),这意味着您可以给它一个新的实例适用于任何标准类型类。您会看到我派生了Eq,因为将需要该实例-但我们想给它一个自定义实例Show来显示XO (或空白)的位置。这很容易做到:

instance Show Space where
    show (Space (Just PlayerX)) = "X"
    show (Space (Just PlayerO)) = "O"
    show (Space Nothing) = "."

我应该指出,尽管将Space变成newtype而不是单纯的类型同义词将需要更改使用Space类型的任何代码,并且在有点样板的方式。尽管在您现有的代码中只发现了一种情况(尽管我可能会漏掉一些),但是在updateBoard所在的x ++ [s] ++ ys中,您需要将其更改为x ++ [Space s] ++ ys。 [基本上,您要做的就是在适当的位置添加对SpaceunSpace的调用,以在两种等效类型之间进行转换。]



type Board = [[Space]]


newtype Board = Board {unBoard :: [[Space]]} deriving (Eq)



instance Show Board where
    show (Board rows) = intercalate "\n" $ map show rows



答案 1 :(得分:1)

罗宾·齐格蒙德(Robin Zigmond)的答案的“结构化”版本较少,它认识到只要您具有Space -> Char类型的函数,只需要将其映射两次即可。< / p>

showSpace :: Space -> Char
showSpace (Just PlayerX) = 'X'
showSpace (Just PlayerO) = 'O'
showSpace Nothing = '.'

showBoard :: Board -> [String]
showBoard = map (map showSpace)


let b = [[Just PlayerX,Just PlayerO,Nothing]
in showBoard b == ["XO.", "...", "..."]


showPlayer :: Player -> Char
showPlayer PlayerX = 'X'
showPlayer PlayerO = 'O'

showSpace :: Space -> Char
showSpace = maybe '.' showPlayer

Show类型类的作用只是让您以单个名称{{1}为PlayerSpaceBoard等定义所有各种功能。 }},而不是使用不同的名称。